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#241 InsaneLaw



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Posted 27 January 2012 - 06:02 AM

I want a full 3D(not 3DS 3D, although that's a bonus) HD remake of Final Fantasy VI, it's already the best FF ever and making it with Gorgeous 3D graphics and voice acting will probably make the story even better, the Opera Scene would be great, and Ultros would be oh so funny.

#242 mootap



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Posted 27 January 2012 - 09:44 AM

Zelda HD
Advanced War
Starcraft_touch screen would work great on it
Smash Bros
Pepsi Man
a giant app store
a good drawing app to draw on
A shop where I can download gba games so I can play them on a large screen.Imagine a pokemon or a harvest moon game on a giant 6.2 inch screen on the controller
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#243 Plutonas



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Posted 27 January 2012 - 02:16 PM

Reckoning: kingdoms of amalur
Dragon age series (more like colectors edition the first 2) +3 that is under development.
Mass effect 3
nintento based games MMPoRG (massive multiplayer nintendo world) There is rumors about pokemo mmo ..lol
Rpg's in generall and lots of FPS

And something innovative.. lol.. I would love to see moding with an appropriate toolset for pc and the ability to upload them in nintendo servers, for nintendo games (light ones and creative, with prizes by nintendo, competitions, etc). This time wii U got the hardware, so why not!

A suggestion, I am not sure if there is suggestion topic around.. If they have a superb online system, they could give us a nintendo village, not just Mii..!!

Imagine a village that its time we earn stars by purchasing games, points, trophies.. we gain nintendo village money!! Be able to buy a property, advertise our scores, images and anything else that nintendo will allow us, also the nintedo shop for wii U to be more like a virtual store! With lots of mini free games, chat.. etc, a total virtual nintendo community with lots of giveaways, competitions..Free to travel.. This never ends..

and I dont mean that nintendo village will be a browsing page.. but a real world, like a game!!! We have to travel for example to watch some upcoming videos in the local virtual theatre. etc..

Edited by Orion, 29 January 2012 - 04:56 PM.

#244 NovusRex


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Posted 29 January 2012 - 01:36 PM

Pokemon Stadium-like game. One that supports both Gen IV and Gen V games, with up to date battle animations, tournaments, cup games and most of all: great online functionality. Battling gamers and trainers around the world should be rewarding and fun. To keep a community alive, they need to reward those gamers by giving tm's for example, pokemon with hidden abillities, whatever. Perhaps link the game with Global Link, that'd be nice.

Pokemon main series game. Something that won't happen in the near future, as Nintendo wants to keep the mainseries portable only. However, a full 3d game with a mainstory, with grass where you can find and catch and train pokemon, gym battles, trainers (perhaps even online trainers, in the style of a mmorpg), a beautiful world and landscape.. You name it. I guess many are wishing for something like this, in vain.

Pokemon Snap (yea, pokemon fan aye?). Same as before, a full 3d world where you can go whereever you want, with great interaction with the world and the little creatures who live there. I'd def. buy it.

Mario, in the style of Mario 64. 3d with updated graphics, a new kind of story would be nice and with all the suits and perks we have seen troughout the history of Mario.

Conker, e.g. sequel to Conker's Bad Fur Day. Probably the best game for the N64 ever was this game and darn, we (I!) need a new one. Too bad Rare is in the hands of Microsoft, so this one is probably not going to be there aswell.

Descruction Derby 64 sequel. Probably not the best received N64 game, nor very popular. It has great potential, I find racing itself rather boring.. However, race and smash other cars? Darn, that's nice! Something with a lot of potential.

Assassin's Creed series, but these will come to the WiiU. Thank the Lord!

Yugioh series should have a nice game aswell, not some linear 2d animations, but 3d aswell. I'd like that.

Perfect Dark game, yea well.. Who doesn't remember this game? Never played the single player myself (shame on me), so I'd love to have a new chance ;)

Mortal Kombat.. Yea, I need to blow some steam off once in a while. I just hope this game isn't too bloody for Nintendo. I'm a lesser fan of the Street Fighter series, but there are welcome if MK can't make it.

Perhaps an Elder Scrolls game, but I found Skyrim rather... boring when it comes to the story. ES with great story seems good.

Nintendo World Cup-similar game. God I love this game for the NES, unique gameplay, so much fun especially with friends. It's not on Virtual Console so far, so why not make a brand new game? Darn you Nintendo, make it! Create it, build it!

That's it what I came up with right now.. *dreams on*

#245 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 08 February 2012 - 08:15 PM

i would say.... a WHOLE new design of a 3D mario platformer, one that is not like SMG 3D land 64 and sunshine something different..... i want a game based on mario, what he is: SUPER PLUMBER U!!!!!!! :P think about it: mario is a plumber he can throw hammers, fart on enemys, and he needs a certain amought of wrenchs to fix a pipe to advance to the next world, it would be a nice idea,

but i am also sick of them 2D and 3D marios.... :/ nintendo needs to make a new charecter that we can love like mario and has some new designs :/



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#246 Joshua West

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Posted 10 February 2012 - 12:55 PM

I'm going to go a out on a limb and assume that there will be new Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, and Metroid.
However I personally would like some new ideas such as:
1. An Ice Climbers reboot by Retro
2. A new Waverace Game
3. A game that features Waluigi as the main character
4. A new Kirby game

#247 Zok



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Posted 16 February 2012 - 03:53 AM

^^^Yes, a game that features Waluigi...as the main character...

But besides that? Well, I'm sure a Mario Kart will be announced for the WiiU sometime soon. WarioWare would be a great game with the WiiU's tablet design, and I'm pretty sure that with the WiiU's graphics, a Call of Duty will come to the WiiU as well.

#248 Soul



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Posted 17 February 2012 - 10:18 PM

I also want Far Cry 3.

#249 Luna☆



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Posted 20 February 2012 - 04:40 PM

I would love to see a Paper Mario game, Donkey Kong game and Kingdom Hearts game.

Edited by Luna☆, 20 February 2012 - 04:42 PM.

Sorry for my bad english.

#250 Gruff



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Posted 21 February 2012 - 08:15 AM

You know I have to say, with Waluigi being brought up, that another Wario World would be nice. I played it on myself and it was actually pretty good. So I would like a Wario World U.

Edited by GameCube, 21 February 2012 - 08:16 AM.

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

#251 Transparent_lfe


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Posted 21 February 2012 - 08:51 AM

Hmm something out of the norm but i have not played a very good Myst game in a long time. The controller would be pretty ideal for the world of Myst. So either a Myst game or Shadowgate remake/part 2

#252 Stephen



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Posted 23 February 2012 - 12:58 PM

I'd like to see a lot of Mario game's, but also my favourite thirdparty games like trackmania which came out on the wii and ds. and also some good downloadable games.

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#253 Jakester897



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Posted 01 March 2012 - 03:29 PM

Given that there is a Paper Mario game coming out for the 3DS, maybe they'll switch it up and release a Mario & Luigi game for the Wii U.
Other than that, I'd enjoy Battalion Wars and a fourth Pikmin in addition to the third, as well as a downloadable title featuring 2D Zelda gameplay in HD.
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#254 Holloweaver


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 02:55 AM

Descent (i had so much fun playing thison my dad's mac when i was a kid)
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Buck Bumble (flying true gardens shootin other beezz was awesome back in the day)
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Rogue Squadron
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Jet Force Gemini (i doubt this is possible, ever...)
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of course there are others i would like to see on the next Wii like:
Mario - Zelda - Metroid - F-Zero - Elebits - Pikmin - Blastcorps - Road Rash - ...

Edited by Holloweaver, 03 March 2012 - 11:29 AM.

#255 Joshua


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 07:14 PM

The entire Mass Effect trilogy.

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#256 Soul



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Posted 03 March 2012 - 01:47 PM

Fifa Street 4.

#257 Zok



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Posted 04 March 2012 - 03:46 PM

I'd like to see a Starfox game. One with James McCloud as the main character.

#258 Soul



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Posted 05 March 2012 - 06:05 PM

My pokemon WiiU idea.

#259 DigitalGreenTea


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Posted 06 March 2012 - 11:55 AM

Nintendo First Party titles like Mario and Zelda etc.
I think they should revive some old franchises like they did with Kid Icarus. Ice Climbers anyone?

For 3rd Party,
Darksiders 2
Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Next Battlefield

Man all those games besides the first party titles were announced for the Wii U already!
The Wii Ultra Entertainment System will OWN!

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#260 Flash



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Posted 07 March 2012 - 02:17 AM

Kirby's Dream Course 2

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