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Wii U Wishlist

Games on wiiu wiiu games wiiugames games wiiu

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#361 Abcdude


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Posted 04 September 2012 - 08:31 AM

Give me a new zelda and i'll be happy for a year.


#362 Nintendustin


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Posted 04 September 2012 - 03:48 PM

I would love a Super Mario Bros. All-Stars II: Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Mario Galaxy 2.

#363 Abcdude


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Posted 05 September 2012 - 09:42 AM

another game I want is a oldie reboot. Like kid icarus uprising.


#364 LaserSWE



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Posted 09 September 2012 - 10:58 AM

In my mind Wii U is (will become) the perfect combination of Gamecube and Wii so I hope to see a lot of the really great multiplayer/party-games such as Wii Sports and Super Smash Bros on the platform combined with great singleplayer-adventure games (like Zelda and Metroid Prime) as well as some Nintendo-franchises that we havent seen in a while, such the already confirmed Pikmin 3, but also F-Zero and Starfox.
Im not sure what to expect in terms of second and third-party games but it seems that a lot of PS360-games will be ported/updated, at least in the beginning of its lifespan. But hopefully we will see some great games from such studios and publishers as well.
Maybe Nintendo will close some interesting third-party deals such as they did during the Gamecube-era (with Capcom, Namco, Square Enix and Konami and so on).

#365 Hunter



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Posted 11 September 2012 - 08:32 AM

- The Legend of Zelda : Majoras Mask U


#366 milky105p


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 09:30 PM

I think conduit 3 as a legit hardcore shooter might appeal to fans this time around considering the controls and the gamepad potential.
A 3d pokemon rpg or even MMO
A reimagined dragon warrior rpg with real time combat or something
Tales of game(symphony etc)
monster hunter
mario kart
zombiu2 sequel with more multi modes or coop/ open world
gta 5- change radio stations, use pad as your map would be seamless in touching the map to place a marker etc
bioware rpg
a full on MMO would be easy with the gamepad even just porting a gameloft game like order and chaos
dead space implementation
I want more survival horror games

I think the gamepad has such a great potential to create a great tower defense or redefine the "horde" or "survival" multiplayer modes. The zombiu team has the right idea with the asymmetrical gameplay. imagine a game even just 8 players a chaotic defense based game like gears' horde mode with the "master" player with the gamepad setting traps and spawning enemies etc. the other players survive or even if online play each person with their gamepad has a menu brought up with upgrades they can do to their defenses. Someone really needs to take advantage of the idea and create a full on hardcore game like that even if its just a multiplayer game.

Id also love a legit racing game/ battle game with a robust upgrading system which utilizes the gamepad as the "garage station" to implement upgrades or mods. Whether it be a NFS or even a kart style racing game or a tank or space battleship starfox kind of game where you can take your ship online in super fast crazy gunship battles and you can deck out your own "cruiser"

#367 Noonabites


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Posted 12 September 2012 - 10:28 PM

I would love a Super Mario Bros. All-Stars II: Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Mario Galaxy 2.

I swear I came in to say this... An HD release of these games would be really great...

#368 Hunter



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Posted 13 September 2012 - 04:59 AM

i dont want any remakes




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Posted 13 September 2012 - 12:01 PM

A Mario game like Sunshine and 64. Then I could die happy.

#370 backudog



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Posted 15 September 2012 - 08:31 AM

I'd like a Skyrim style game (huge open world , tons to see and do, etc) or maybe even skyrim itself with all the DLC released for it so far, but with slightly better graphics, if the wiiU is more powerful than the 360 and ps3, it should look better. opening the map, or checking your inventory, reading the many many books found throughout the land on the pad would be kinda cool. Maybe the next elder scrolls game will be released on wiiU?
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#371 Jasper



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Posted 15 September 2012 - 11:09 AM

I'd like a Skyrim style game (huge open world , tons to see and do, etc) or maybe even skyrim itself with all the DLC released for it so far, but with slightly better graphics, if the wiiU is more powerful than the 360 and ps3, it should look better. opening the map, or checking your inventory, reading the many many books found throughout the land on the pad would be kinda cool. Maybe the next elder scrolls game will be released on wiiU?

If it's a multiplat, it will, but the PC version will rock the WiiU version anyway. But it will be superior to PS3 and 360 versions, but it'll probably appear on next-gen platforms, so we don't know what they'll offer yet.

#372 LaserSWE



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Posted 15 September 2012 - 09:10 PM

If it's a multiplat, it will, but the PC version will rock the WiiU version anyway. But it will be superior to PS3 and 360 versions, but it'll probably appear on next-gen platforms, so we don't know what they'll offer yet.

Bethesda have already confirmed to not support WiiU

#373 milky105p


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 09:17 PM

Bethesda have already confirmed to not support WiiU

sadly. im sure once many more dev companies jump ship and make successful games, i bet they would jump on. bethesda or even bioware RPGs could work so well with this gamepad. your inventory, making your dialog choices, messing with hotkeys or assigned spells/buttons, picklocking stuff on the small screen. so many uses. I'm sure they will give in eventually if they see the money and opportunity.

#374 LaserSWE



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Posted 15 September 2012 - 09:25 PM

sadly. im sure once many more dev companies jump ship and make successful games, i bet they would jump on. bethesda or even bioware RPGs could work so well with this gamepad. your inventory, making your dialog choices, messing with hotkeys or assigned spells/buttons, picklocking stuff on the small screen. so many uses. I'm sure they will give in eventually if they see the money and opportunity.

I really would like to see the Game of the Year-edition of Skyrim on Wii U, but it remains to be seen if Bethesda will change their mind or not.
But since they are, at the core, computer-game developers I really dont think they will find Wii U any more interesting then they find the Wii. I.e not at all. They will be looking for the most sweaty hardware out there because in the end thats what gonna get consumers excited about the next Fallout or The Elder Scrolls.
Same with BioWare and Obsidian.

But yes, i agree that these kind of games would fit very well with the WiiPad. Luckily these kind of games are developed by far more different companies today (even though BioWare and Bethesda is in a class of their own) so we could still see some games like these on the Wii U.
I guess maybe theres a chance for Dragon Age 3 if Mass Effect 3 gets good sales.

#375 Jotaro Kujo

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 04:17 PM

Pokemon Rpg sounds really cool I would like a castlevania game and maybe i would also want some Vertical Shooters as well like CAVE games are.



#376 angelo07stang



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Posted 17 September 2012 - 12:49 PM

I would like a new mertroid game, luigis mansion game for wiiu, new zelda, new donkey kong country , true mario sequeal to mario 3
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#377 crazyman03


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Posted 17 September 2012 - 02:18 PM

I think the best game that should appear on the wii u should be a new xenoblade chronicles with even more gameplay and Awesomeness

I also believe that a full three dimensional Pokemon whee yuu go thriough every region and catch starters in the wild like the anime
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#378 Lunity


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Posted 18 September 2012 - 01:08 PM

You know what would be awesome with the tablet controller a new football manager game that would be awesome maybe im feeling my age but all i use my PC for is Football Manager mostly and if they brought out a decent enough version with the tablet controller think it would be pretty cool.

#379 JakeyFlower


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Posted 20 September 2012 - 12:38 AM

i really really really really want PokemonU or what ever there gonna call it <3 PikaPikaaa

#380 YoshiWiiU



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Posted 22 September 2012 - 01:56 PM

new super mario bros U or wii fit U
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