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Byakuya Togami

Member Since 15 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active May 28 2015 10:55 AM

#291091 Chicken takes drawing requests <(^)3

Posted by Hank Hill on 21 June 2014 - 07:43 AM

This thread mustn't die!


Draw a picture of Waldorf and Statler from the Muppets heckling Zinix's comedy hour.

#282376 Demystifying the Wii U's "magic sauce"

Posted by 3Dude on 23 April 2014 - 10:13 AM

The bandwidth thing was misinformation created by overzealous under informed fans.

And the 360's bandwidth use was misunderstood as well. Its operations bandwidth, not data bandwidth.

That off die ram wasnt designed to be used anywhere else on the gpu at all. It was for the rops to use to do their job. Mainly rasterizing for the frame buffer.

The bandwidth CONNECTING to the ram chip was much much lower, because it was a DATA bandwidth, and only needed to move data for the rops to crunch, and finished rasters as output.

The wii u edram DOES NOT need to be used for that. It is used to HOLD the frame buffer image, and send it out, (DATA bandwidth) but it isnt used for the rops operations, they have their own ram attached to the logic, and since they are on the same die, can very rapidly transfer peices of the framebuffer to the edram for holding until its finished and sent out.

COMPLETELY different setups, and the 360's solution is VASTLY inferior despite the 'high bandwidtj' of its rops ram chip.

#282368 Demystifying the Wii U's "magic sauce"

Posted by Nollog on 23 April 2014 - 09:55 AM

I don't care.

#243710 See how many people like you...

Posted by aaron on 02 September 2013 - 03:43 PM


Because we don't like you.

#242926 do u think it deserves?

Posted by Wolfy on 30 August 2013 - 04:18 AM

spoderman hev sweg y wud he nid dis lol?????? 


i dont tink it disurv

#241827 Poll: Favorite FPS series (Pick one)

Posted by Wolfy on 26 August 2013 - 09:48 PM

sory am only pley klasics lyk spoderman: spodey undr fier

#235570 The Wii U can run Unity 4

Posted by Waller on 28 July 2013 - 11:25 AM

The Wii U runs an engine every other game device currently on the market is able to run?!


Holy crap! This is truly a display of the Wii U's true technical capabilities!

#235367 The Wii U can run Unity 4

Posted by Bill Cipher on 27 July 2013 - 03:09 PM

Dreamfall Chapters Wii U announcement also left us knowing the Wii U can run Unity 4. Now I believe these third party devs that complain are running out of excuses on why the Wii U is underpowered. Please discuss.

Proof: http://playeressence...rmed-for-wii-u/


:Thump, Thump, Thump:


Sorry, that was the sound of my head hitting my desk. Please ignore that.


You are aware that the minimum requirement for Unity is pretty much ANY graphics card, right?  If someone really wanted to, they could probably get Unity 4, which is based in the same as every other Unity engine, running on a $400 PC from 2008. I can't say how well it would run, but it could run.


Saying that this means that "Devs are running out of excuses on why the Wii U is underpowered " is like saying that Wii U can run Rayman Legends, so therefore IT MUST BE POWERFUL. No, that doesn't mean anything. Being able to run it isn't news. What would qualify for news would be if the Wii U COULDN'T run it, because then that would show that the Wii U is under-powered. As per usual, this proves nothing in either side. All it proves is that Nintendo fan-boys are willing to latch onto what ever news they think will show the power of the Wii U. As of right now, Wii U is stuck at Gen 7ish in terms of power based off of current games that you can buy. Some games look better, others look worse.


Considering that for Wii U devs have to work harder to get their game to run properly on it then PS4/Xbone, it's not hard for them to call it under powered. They have to work harder for something that will sell likely worse then on the other systems depending upon the game. For them, it's a matter of time to get the power needed, and right now Wii U hasn't gotten the install base needed to sustain that effort to try and get power. Maybe it has the power needed to run Gen 8 visuals, but that will take time.


TL;DR Version:

Unity runs on everything underneath the sun with a graphics card, so this isn't news.

Devs calling Wii U under-powered are both right and wrong. It's Under-powered in the sense of time needed to draw the full power to make the game look as good as it does on the other systems. Compared to PS4/Xbone, it's harder to develop for, so devs pass on it and call it underpowered compared to next gen.

#241817 Poll: Favorite FPS series (Pick one)

Posted by Bill Cipher on 26 August 2013 - 09:19 PM

First off, List is flawed by the lack of 4 of the greatest first person shooters franchises in the name of half life, BioShock(Has been noted as 3Dude as an FPA until Infinite, so take that as you will), Unreal (As suggested by Trite) and Borderlands. That alone shows severe lack of knowledge about the best series in the genre.

Secondly, Fallout is not a fps. It's a western role playing game with shooter elements. That's like calling Metroid Prime a FPS. Metroid Prime is a first person adventure game with shooting elements. The end goal of Metroid Prime is to explore where as Fallout's end goal is to explore a world and role play in it. First person shooters tend to focus around the killing of enemies over other elements of gameplay, whereas it is possible to kill very little in the newer Fallouts.

From the list though, I'm picking Team Fortress 2. Easily accessible, fun, free, and suited for all types of play sessions.

#237295 What can Nintendo do to fix their relations with third-party developers?

Posted by GAMER1984 on 05 August 2013 - 08:41 PM

Starting with the N64, Nintendo consoles lack decent third party support and odds are the Wii U will be no different, What can Nintendo do to break this cycle with the Wii U's successor?

Personally i think Nintendo should be more aggressive with their approach like Sony and MS by throwing money at devs for ports and exclusives with no missing modes and feature, build more partnerships,design their consoles to be easy for lazy developers to get in to, and try to shed their "kiddie" image so devs will be more confident in bring their games to Nintendo consoles.



NOTHING under current management. Seriously anyone expecting things to change with Iwata, reggie, and Miyamoto around are delusional.

#231616 watch dogs visuals PS4 vs Wiiu

Posted by GAMER1984 on 14 July 2013 - 08:38 PM

There is nothing put out there by Ubisoft for me to believe this game will be visually anything more than a 360 port. They have came out and raved about ps4 and xb1 version and what the consoles can do. If Wii U version was at alll close wouldn't they mention it along with them as its a "next gen" console also. Please giys I've seen it too many times don't set your self up for disappointment. Just hope they do something interesting with the gamepad because that's all they will focus on. Splinter cell comes out in a month and haven't heard developers say anything positive about Wii U version or about using the consoles strenghts over ps360. At this point developers are OK with Wii U games running at parity with ps360 ita a job well done on their part.I mean we all can hope but the signals they are giving say other wise.

#229899 Ubisoft – Zombie U “wasn’t even close to being profitable”

Posted by Mignaga on 08 July 2013 - 10:40 AM

Except Chris Morris Never spoke to Ubisoft before writing his 'article'.

Reading folks, try it.

Except for, you know, the fact that multiple news sites are reporting this as a direct quote from Yves. :/

That doesn't prove anything.







#184970 Mod's don't seem to be doing anything

Posted by Fiery on 21 March 2013 - 01:41 PM

Actually I may never be active again TODAY so yeah. Have fun with your site.

#229023 Is the Wii U being sabotoged?

Posted by Gaymer on 05 July 2013 - 10:09 AM

Are we really going to put the blame on Microsoft over Nintendo's own misfortunes and mistakes?

#227766 Is true JRPGs dying?

Posted by 3Dude on 30 June 2013 - 03:38 PM

Monolift takes everything out of the golden days of RPGs such as turn based strategy and hardcore grinding. Who the hell is Mistwalker. Xseed is the exception and RPG's true last stand.

FFVII was gold. It featured long lost battle mechanics and had a groundbreaking epic story that was movie like. The FF that killed them was FF11.

X is bound to lack grinding. You pilot a gun toting robot!

You never played Xenoblade. It is painfully obvious. Its painfully obvious you DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MONOLITHSOFT. Every time you open your mouth about them the things that come out of it are not just factually wrong, its so ignorant its irritating. In fact, its painfully obvious you missed a LOT of jrpg's and are completely oblivious to its history.

ffvii or any ff past the nes doesnt even use the turn based battle system.

They use squaresofts active time battle system, created by squaresoft employees who left for monolithsoft, which is why xenoblade uses an evolution of the atb used in chrono trigger (monolith soft employees) for its battle system. Xenoblade combat is NOT real time.

You cant even use the turn based system past nes unless you choose it from system settings (or from the option at the beginning of the game back when atb was first introduced)

FFvii did not resurrect long lost anything. It ripped off ffvi's magicite system for its materia system, ripped off ffvi's music, ripped off ff vi's limit breaks, and ripped off ff vi's story.

It then removed any exploration whatsoever in favor of pre rendered environments with mind numbingly streamlined traversal, completely gutting jrpg's to anyone who enjoyed them for the actual act of adventuring.

It was then praised endlessly because it stopped you every 20 minutes, made you put the controller down, and played a video.

You will upgrade characters and mechs stats seperately in x just like you did in Xenogears. A powerful character wont do squat against a gigantic enemy riding in a weak mech. Robots require fuel, waste it, and your robots not going anywhere, just like xenogears. You cant spend the whole game riding the gear. There will be areas to explore that your robot is too big to enter, just like xenogears. And yes, there will likely be grinding in x just like there was for xenoblade. It is so freaking obvious you never touched xenoblade. One of the first things everyone comes across exploring the first area at level 1 in xenoblade are level 18, 30, 60, and 77 creatures just chilling in the world. Yeah, theres grinding in xenoblade. Its just done better than in older primitive systems.

For someone who claims to be 'an old school rpg player', you really havent played a whole lot of (not really that) old school at all psx era and earlier rpg's.

Oh, and on the same subject. Mistwalker is a company of people who also left square Eenix because it became garbage and interfered with making games good. Including the person who created Final Fantasy for squaresoft.

But yeah, total nobodies for anyone who cares about true old school rpg's pffft, guy who created final fantasy in charge of his own company. Whatever, Xseed's all that matters.

And since you dont know anything about mistwalker, its pretty obvious you REALLY dont know anything about monolithsoft.

Remember all the good games squaresoft used to make? FFIV, FFVI, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears (you never played this) etc.

Well, the reason squareenix cant make games that good anymore is because the people who made those games left square eenix to form monolithsoft.

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