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#68902 General Wii U E3 2012 Discussion

Posted by Keviin on 01 April 2012 - 10:44 AM

Yeah they are kind of overusing Mario I'm affraid but then again, there's not a Mario (platform) game I don't find brilliant so I'm fine with it. Especially a new 2D Mario always excites me a lot. However I think it would be smarter to release a 2D one on Wii U first instead of 3DS, but seeing the 3DS one is already confirmed..

#68716 General Wii U E3 2012 Discussion

Posted by Keviin on 31 March 2012 - 06:45 AM

It wouldn't take much for them to statisfy me, but it would take a lot to statisfy the non-fans/mainstream audience and fans that weren't statisfied with the Wii.

Make the console and controller look attrective and anno 2012: people nowadays want something that looks fresh. While a lot of people like the Wii style, it has been around for almost 6 years. More colours than white would certainly help: a black or even a silver one would look more mature and expensive. I don't understand why there was never a silver Wii.

Make the graphics look actually next-gen (hey look, we have the 'something new' aspect again) so that there will be a clear difference between PS360 consoles, but they should try to keep the console as cheap as possible (I'm thinking $350). Nobody would buy a $600 Nintendo console.

Give it online capabilities that is at least on par with PS360. That means: no friend-codes, easy online-shopping, voicechat, easy accesible friendlist, connect with Twitter/Facebook/other social media (you know how popular they are nowadays).

Not too much focus on the touchscreen controller (people might see it as a gimmick instead of a useful feature) and think well about the name. People do not want a Wii that has a touchscreen, they want a NEW next-gen console.

Mix hardcore and casual aspects: let hardcore gamers know that the controller isn't a stupid gimmick, that it is a true next-gen console with lots of hardcore games coming out, but mainly advertise with the casual aspect. Families playing in living rooms and stuff. But not overexeggerate it ilke with Wii.

Show some creative ideas so that people will think "I need a Wii U!"

Strong launch line-up.

I think most of this is obvious, but you get the idea. I think the Wii U will do well, but not as well as Wii, simply thanks to the market nowadays. It will be a must-have if it contains above statements.

#68715 Wii U version of AC3 also to be released on October 31st

Posted by Keviin on 31 March 2012 - 06:34 AM


It's a Dutch article, but it basically says that Assassin's Creed III will be released on October 31st on Wii U. This info came from a press message from Ubisoft Netherlands. Might be an interesting fact, since it could be a confirmation that the console will at least be out by October 31st.

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