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Member Since 29 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 07 2013 12:13 PM

#160074 Unban Ness/Nintendo Fanboy/Geno/Big Bird thread

Posted by Nollog on 16 January 2013 - 07:20 PM

Bans are supposed to be between the mods and the member only.
Plz don't start this crap just because you're bestest best friends.
PM the mods if you think he was banned unfairly. He admitted he was wrong so I don't think that's valid.

#158172 We need more of those little pictures that come with each rank

Posted by Kiki Neko-Chan on 10 January 2013 - 05:32 AM

Sure, I can do it. :) I just need to know what name should be on for every rank.

If someone can make some more of these icons I'll be happy to add them to the ranks. I would make them, but Paint is the only image programme I know how to use, so they'd probably look rubbish. If any of you are prepared to make these, then please post some sample images, and if they're good enough, I'll add them. Please don't be offended if you make any and I don't use them though.

Here's a sample, AMAC. They might have a little bit of fixing up to do before they are final, but this is what it would look like.

I'll re-make all of the rank badges so that it fits our new theme.

Le older versions


Le last and final version:(This is what you'll be seeing under your names soon enough ;D)


#133188 Revealing the Wii U Forums' new theme!

Posted by Feld0 on 19 November 2012 - 05:06 AM

The banner we have up top is mostly a placeholder - it's designed to be extremely easy to swap out, so I hope to get a new one put up there soon.

Putting a functional IP.Board theme together from Cerberus's and Keanu Riives's designs may look easy, but it came out to be a fairly challenging and quite time-consuming exercise in my CSS skills - the thing is, virtually nothing from the PSD's can be reused directly in the theme; everything has to be meticulously recreated in CSS.

This has been in the works more or less since Cerberus posted his first theme concept. Although there are still a few tweaks I'd like to make, I'm really glad to finally have a proper custom look for this place. :)

#126660 Barack Obama re-elected.

Posted by Tom on 09 November 2012 - 01:01 PM

But if he actually is a muslim, he shouldn't go run around telling people he's christian. The thing that makes me believe he is, is that his 'origins' (don't know how else to describe it) are not sure either. I think it's kind of suspicious. And if Barack would indeed be muslim, it would be a bad thing, because most islamic leaders are just pricks who want to see everybody but themselves burn.

I also heard this interesting fact some time ago: a muslim is allowed to hide its true identity, but only if it's for the greater good of the islam. Hmm..

#125295 Barack Obama re-elected.

Posted by Xiombarg on 07 November 2012 - 01:13 AM

Obama is a muslim, Romney is a mormon.

In my opinion, religion should never be factored into politics, unless an official is too fundamental or unable to carry out their job without religious bias.
But Obama being a muslim is just a political rumor and has no factual backing.  It has too little evidence, as he is officially a protestant, when people claim he is a Kenyan satanist/atheist/muslim.  I don't even see what would be wrong if he were a Muslim, we already have Muslim officials in the U.S.

That's when China will do a hostile takeover of the United States, and we'll officially be renamed the People's Republic of America.

That's very unlikely.  China wants you to believe it's very powerful, but their economy depends on ours.  If they take over, their country plummets.

#124286 super smash bros 3ds/wii u canceled?

Posted by Noonabites on 04 November 2012 - 11:18 AM


Posted Image


Posted by Mignaga on 30 October 2012 - 03:36 PM

when I was a kid.
when I was a kid.
when I was a kid.


#122291 Recent Staff Changes

Posted by Joshua on 28 October 2012 - 05:01 PM

Other forums I don't like to mention have problems which are caused by moderation being "i can do whatever i want, lolololol" And if it happens here it'll be annoying to me.

No need to worry Nollog. We had a reasonable discussion on Mournblade and Crackkat prior to their conversion to moderator. Our reasons for choosing is classified but we obviously wouldn't have chosen them if we didn't feel comfortable with it.

Neither of them have that "i can do whatever i want, lolololol" attitude if that makes you comfortable. :)

#116431 What are your rare nintendo items?

Posted by Hank Hill on 10 October 2012 - 06:05 AM

Yeah...you do know That's on N64 right?

Posted Image

#116362 if there was a real nintendo land what attractions do you wanna see in it?

Posted by Expansion Pak on 09 October 2012 - 06:08 PM

Mario Kart: The Experience NUFF SAID

#116327 rare wii u on ebay!

Posted by Byakuya Togami on 09 October 2012 - 04:43 PM

seems legit

#115942 PETA is at it again.....

Posted by Elric on 08 October 2012 - 12:23 PM

PETA is and always will be a joke.

#113041 Halloween is coming! What will you do?

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 26 September 2012 - 06:04 PM

I will be doing absolutely nothing.

Halloween is not an occasion.

#101446 "F1 will not see a yearly release on Wii U" says Codemasters

Posted by storabajskorven on 23 August 2012 - 05:24 AM

Well, if they refuse to release hardcore games on a platform, because they anticipate that platform to have few hardcore gamers, then that will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

#101322 Is this real? wii u on 2013? NOO :(

Posted by Mignaga on 22 August 2012 - 03:08 PM

A little things called Christmas will keep this from happening.

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