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Member Since 14 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2015 04:15 AM

#306821 Nintendo Direct 1/14/15

Posted by 3Dude on 13 January 2015 - 07:12 PM

Think it's from 4chan so...I'm gonna grab the box of tissues lol

#306750 Nintendo Direct 1/14/15

Posted by Raiden on 12 January 2015 - 09:19 PM




#234715 Call of Duty Ghosts OFFICIALLY COMING TO WIIU!

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 25 July 2013 - 09:24 AM

Um, we've known it was coming to the Wii U for about a month now, just didn't know the release date.

This is the first official confirmation of the news. Everyone knew it was coming, we just wanted the official news.

#235694 Nintendo takes story mode and cutscenes out of SSB4 (Petition time!)

Posted by Klobb on 28 July 2013 - 10:56 PM

lol people make petitions for everything now. There isn't going to be a story mode in the new Smash Bros.: Deal with it.

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#235653 Nintendo takes story mode and cutscenes out of SSB4 (Petition time!)

Posted by Xiombarg on 28 July 2013 - 07:09 PM

How about no.  If Sakurai has gotten Smash Bros right for 3 games, what makes you think that he suddenly doesn't know what he's doing?

#235649 Nintendo takes story mode and cutscenes out of SSB4 (Petition time!)

Posted by Zinix on 28 July 2013 - 07:01 PM

Did the lack of cutscenes  in Super Smash Bros 64 and Melee drive you to start up a petition? I thought we were paying for the fighting content, not to watch a movie. 

#235639 Nintendo takes story mode and cutscenes out of SSB4 (Petition time!)

Posted by Mitch on 28 July 2013 - 06:17 PM

The story mode was nothing but awful platforming and dull boring combat...


It shall not be missed

#235632 Nintendo takes story mode and cutscenes out of SSB4 (Petition time!)

Posted by Viridi on 28 July 2013 - 05:51 PM

These online petitions for every little thing really need to stop, but anyway...


The CG cutscenes were nice, but if they detract from development time that could be used for other assets in the game then I'd rather them out altogether. Adventure mode was just fine in Melee.

#235624 Nintendo takes story mode and cutscenes out of SSB4 (Petition time!)

Posted by Bill Cipher on 28 July 2013 - 05:30 PM

Being honest, Subspace is something that next to no one mentions about Brawl, but the moment when someone mentions that it's not being included, people go nuts. Brawl is a party fighter. A story mode would be nice, but it's not something to write a petition for, especially since nearly none of these petitions work with Nintendo.

#235621 Nintendo takes story mode and cutscenes out of SSB4 (Petition time!)

Posted by AdmiralClassy on 28 July 2013 - 05:27 PM

Tbh honest I didn't like subspace that much and would rather they focus on other more important aspects of the game.

So sorry but I won't be sharing this nor will I be signing.

#235798 Get Shiny Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina at Gamestop

Posted by BlueBlur on 29 July 2013 - 10:18 AM


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#233003 Pokemon RPG for Wii U

Posted by Abcdude on 18 July 2013 - 05:52 PM




#234011 IGN gives Pikmin 3 a...

Posted by Goom on 22 July 2013 - 04:01 PM

IGN gave Pikmin 3 a score of 8.8. For those of you people who are to lazy to click the link.

#173960 Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO

Posted by NintendoReport on 21 February 2013 - 04:23 AM

I own a ps3 and a wii u so wouldn't say am biased towards 1 or the other. Soo much people compare these specs to what they run in an actual pc but yet try and emulate even a wii game which isnt by any means a powerfull console and u need a fairly decent pc to get games to run so it's not something u can compare. When u think how much of a leap it is from current gen 512 ram to 8gb DDR5 aswell just for starters there's a huge jump and when the first party studios use it to its full potential it will no dout put the wii u to shame. Don't get me wrong wii u is a massive step up from the wii but until wee see some first party games such as say zelda for wii u and say uncharted for ps4 and have something to really compare we can't really say.

End of the day no matter how powerful of a system you have games will only look as good as the people making them can get/ want them to.

But going by specs ps4 outdoes the wii u and no1 can deny that.

Nice post but don't assume the 8gigs of ram is just left for gaming, it's not... the ram will be needed for other features including OS. It will still have more ram available for games yes, but not the full 8 gigs.

#174102 Watchdog Confirmed for Wii U

Posted by Structures on 21 February 2013 - 10:37 AM

nice the only interesting looking game from the ps4 announcement is coming to wiiu

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