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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
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#86812 no online multiplayer for Pikmin 3

Posted by The Lonely Koopa on 11 June 2012 - 06:04 PM

The quote you posted wasn't positive towards Nintendo...

Hah, really? If I seem like a Nintendo 'hater' it's only because Nintendo continues to disappoint time and time again. I do not hate for the sake of hating, I voice my opinion where I feel criticisms should be made.

It's possible it might happen but why would they not mention it by now? I find it hard to believe that they would announce the system's other social functionality and fail to mention online voice chat while playing a game. I'm not sure why you would expect them to have neglected mentioning a feature like that if it is indeed a feature.

It outdoes a 6 year old console? How impressive. :rolleyes:

I suppose it's a good launch lineup if you like ports and this...

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I agree with CUD. I will probably still buy a wiiu in fact I am almost postive I will but Nintendo has been pissing me off lately. Lots of people on this forum are doing extreme damage control .They are like "oh it will be fine" "All negative information (speculation or not) is lies and or misinformation"  
Fact of the matter is if all this Negative news was happening to the Others Companies (Microsoft /Sony) lots of you guys will be eating it up with joy . The first stage of disappointment is Denial (or something like that). My hype level right now is zero I feel hype after this can not exist I have been pissed recently its one of the stages of disappointment. I know this is a Nintendo Wiiu site but the Banner doesn't say Nintendo wiiu lover humping site (If you take offense to what I am saying their a reason why :laugh: )

I will if my money situation goes well will most certainly buy the wiiu the only consoles I ever owned was from Nintendo and Sega yet I don't have to be in utter denial with everything going on to say that . If people get butthurt or pissed off over me because of this post fine by me . If people also complain saying im just a hater because I posted bad Rumors about the wiiu listen the wiiu isn't released if it was positive you guys would love it, This at the moment might as well be  a speculation site so I posted rumors I even said pretty much take it with a grain of salt .

Now lets see how civilized this community can be.

Now that my rant is over Pikmin 3 has local co op their no reason they shouldn't have online other than Nintendo being Nintendo.
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#86794 no online multiplayer for Pikmin 3

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 11 June 2012 - 05:16 PM

I'm gonna have to agree with the people being disappointed about this.

I mean, take a look at a game 10 years back of similar type (I'm gonna pull out Warcraft 3 out of the hat because it's a PC game I actually played a lot that isn't titled Runescape). It falls under the same genre as Pikmin 3 and had the online.

Now I know what you are thinking, it's a PC game. But it's from pretty much a decade ago. I'm fairly certain that, at least in a gaming sense, the Wii U is better than most commercial gaming PC's of the time (not including custom because that would be debatable. I know CUD's a PC gamer so he can prove me wrong like a Zyrtec).

Pikmin 3 would have been a strong online game. I don't agree with the whole lag counter argument either. I mean, that was practically every Wii game. SSB, Call of Duty, Monster Hunter. The only game I never encountered lag in was Goldeneye 007. So whooped dee doo, 2 seconds of lag isn't going to destroy the entire game.

I'm not going to call Nintendo lazy on this one, because they did think it through, but their way of thinking is outdated. People don't complain about lag as much as they used to. They just don't want it to be broken... like Resistance: Burning Skies for example.
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#86746 no online multiplayer for Pikmin 3

Posted by Deadly Virus on 11 June 2012 - 02:34 PM

I agree, if there IS local multiplayer in Pikmin 3, there's no realistic justification for not adding online functionality to that. Miyamoto makes brilliant stuff most of the time, but I do worry that he holds his games back sometimes with decisions like this.

#10301 Jack Tretton (PS CEO) talks Wii U

Posted by Kinvara on 22 June 2011 - 07:08 PM

If Sony fires Jack Tretton, I will buy a PSVita at launch.  No questions asked.

#10243 Jack Tretton (PS CEO) talks Wii U

Posted by Crimson on 22 June 2011 - 04:01 PM

Link to the story on WiiUBlog.com

I didn’t see anything about Nintendo’s announcement that said ‘Oh, we’d better get working on rolling out a new PlayStation here pretty soon.’ Our attitude is kind of ‘welcome to the party.’ If you’re looking at being a multimedia entertainment device, if you’re looking at high def gaming, that was 2006 for us.

Now, don't call me a fanboy, because I own both a PS3 and PSP, but how about PlayStation Move, Mr. Tretton? If you're talking motion control, wasn't that 2006 for Nintendo, too? Wasn't touch screen gaming (featured on Vita) 2004 for Nintendo, too? How about portable systems? Wasn't that 1980 for Nintendo?  Haters gonna hate, really. This guy is really an idiot. It makes me ashamed to say I own a PS3 when I hear this guy running his mouth and that the only way to comfort himself and promote his company is to dismiss one which actually has had success this generation, by that I mean, you know, turned a profit on its video game console.

Sure, Nintendo's late to 'the HD party', but, in a certain sense, Sony should have respect for its 'elders'. Nintendo's been part of this business since 1985. Sony came along like ten years later after WORKING with Nintendo in the first place. Welcome to the party? I think that this is honestly the first time Sony can tell Nintendo that about ANYTHING. I love the PlayStation brand, but I have to say that I hate its bigwigs.

Anyway, what do you think about Tretton's comments? S

#8445 How backwards compatible is the WiiU?

Posted by AWB on 17 June 2011 - 04:38 PM

Yeah, Wii U is not bc with gamecube it's been confirmed. However, it's likely that GC games will at some point be on the Wii U's virtual console so it doesn't really matter. If anything it will be an improvement not having to use the gamecube's horrible controller.

I think you are the 2% of people that actually think that. The GameCube was the best controller in terms of comfort.
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#6358 Metriod: Other M

Posted by Someone on 14 June 2011 - 04:57 PM

It's not really that great as a Metroid game, but it's good if you like games with more cutscenes and stories than gameplay. I don't think it's worth it, but then again, I also think it's a disgrace to the Metroid series!
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#5026 I make art

Posted by BonBon on 13 June 2011 - 06:34 PM

I've been told it's good enough to hang on the fridge.

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Plus a bunch of portfolio pieces and serious fanart nobody wants to see.

#5019 Do you believe in 2012?

Posted by Guest on 13 June 2011 - 06:28 PM

Of course I believe in the year 2012. Now if you're asking if I believe in the end of the world prophecy set in 2012, then no. I don't.
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