Seriously I liked all 3 conferences in terms of the games they showed, but I just preferred Sonys because of No Mans Sky which looks amazing, The Order looks fantastic (Gears with a twist of steam punk/horror), Bloodborne(Dark souls anyone?), Uncharted 4(once again pushing the limits of a console), DLC for infamous which again looks promising and remakes that are worth doing(Grim Fandingo). Again there's probably more indie games coming out and plus the 3rd party support which Nintendo is lacking BIGtime.
Microsoft showed some great stuff as well with Sunset Overdrive, Inside, Ori(the indie game), plus Phantom Dust(which was a fantastic game on the original Xbox). Also I'll never understand the "more of the same" it could easily be said of Nintendo that they show more of the same(Mario,Zelda,miis,etc.) still I never bring cheap stuff like that cause I love me some Zelda and Mario, in the end if you didn't like ps3 or 360 then it's obvious that you probably wouldn't like Sonys nor Microsoft conference.
Grim Fandango is a port. Ori is also PC. They showed stuff you can get anywhere and again you are kinda dense to understand when things are so interchangeable. Nintendo showed 5 new IP's this year and everything varied. Sony/MS showed more gritty shooters they offered little variety. Everything NIntendo showed even if vibrant was vastly different from another. Uncharted 4 trailer is the exact trailer 2 and 3 had also no matter the claims E3 builds that are promised as in game are always from Sony heavily watered down. In fact Uncharted 3 E3 build looked amazing but final Build was a massive downgrade. The Last of Us AI was promised to anticipate and adaptive. TLOU AI was horsing stupid. Everyone runs at you head on and other times be next to you and do nothing. I own Phantom Dust I know about it. Sunset Overdrive we saw last year it does look sorta fun. The Order is going to be trash. Quite a few articles of people who played it. The game is pretty to look at but you almost don't play the game at all. It redefines linear. About all those 3rd parties are trash anyway.
PS3 is my fave Last gen console I also had a 360 and Wii..still do always will. No Mans Sky is a game that will wow you at a show with visuals but looks to be nothing but a game with zero objective. You explore and if your ship breaks you spend 5 hours make a new ship to explore aimlessly as said 2 people from Giant Bomb who were given a post E3 presentation. Be cool for some and others the wow factor wear off fast and get boring. Bloodporn is more Demon Souls than Dark Souls. Demons Souls was hard,Dark Souls was just broken disguised as being hard. I'm a fan of From Software from PS1 days and Dreamcast days with Frame Gride and Xbox days with Otogi 1-2. Not unfamiliar with them.
Nintendo showed very different things. Old IP's mainly with a vastly different play style and look. Then 5 new IP's. Sony and MS showed a bunch of Music Videos and CGI trailers to make brainwashed masses piss themselves with glee. It's pathetic. Instead of actually playing the game and explaining the mechanics which Nintendo heavily did with games like Wooly World and Splatoon. I am excited for Grim Fandango and Ori and Scalebound. They were bright spots in a sea of interchangeable games and series like Batman and Assassins Creed becoming Generic within themselves. Sony and MS just switched conferences from the previous year. It almost literally was the same thing they done in previous years. Nintendo has a very spotty E3 record but this year not just their Direct but Treehouse and Smash Tourney reinvented E3 as they know E3 is not stuck in 1995 anymore.
What Sony/MS showed will fade from memory fast while what Nintendo did is sticking with people. The lasting impression is why thet flat out kicked ass this year when everyone including me as I posted it in a few status updates expected them to fall flat.
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