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Member Since 31 Jul 2013
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#306427 Nvidia unveils The Tegra X1

Posted by Nollog on 05 January 2015 - 06:28 AM

next gen is here

#304076 Wii U Was A Better Console For Third-Party Games

Posted by NintendoReport on 28 November 2014 - 07:31 PM

Interesting article, it is two pages, please visit the link and read entirely. I have quoted some highlights below: 

Wii U Was A Better Console For Third-Party Games




Last year I played Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag on Wii U. I hadn’t liked any of the earlier games in the series but it was new, and in the world of videogames newness is easily confused for worth, creating its own micro-culture of consumer cartographers attempting to divine their way between through the two collapsed poles. Expecting little from Black Flag, and having been preconditioned to expect even less from Nintendo ’s underpowered gimmick console, I was surprised to discover how much the touchscreen controller added to my experience, something I found myself missing while playing this year’s Assassin’s Creed: Unity.


Assassin’s Creed games are automated swamps of semi-interactivity. Playing them is like riding on a drunken horse and thinking you’re in control of the situation. They’re organized as a massive quest of sprinting toward indistinguishable objects across the play space, a process that requires a continuous effort to relate the abstracted overhead map to the three-dimensional environments you move through, with the convenient augmented reality effect of magically hovering icons inserted into the game world air after having been selected on the map. Much of the game is built around routes of efficiency, differentiating icons that can be collected along the way from those—like Assassin’s missions—so time consuming they’d interrupt efficient collecting of every other icon.




The Wii U’s controller combines these two different dimensions of play into an interface that provides simultaneous accessibility for each. Like motion control before it, the Wii U controller is an obvious idea that ends up being audacious in execution, proposing an alternate way of thinking about game space and play design in a generation that has become increasingly rote and self-reflexive. It took a few hours of playing Black Flag on Wii U before I noticed I was actually playing it differently than other games in the series. With a larger map available on the touchscreen, the drive of the game became almost entirely architectural, reconciling the topographical data on the map screen with the pseudo-natural geometry of the game world, constantly trying to see in its bent palm trees and colonial outposts some object of importance calling out from the alternate dimension on the touchscreen.




Increasing the amount of visual detail in games is the most conservative of all approaches to generational shift, one that takes existing development paradigms and gives them more memory and computational power to decorate their paradigmatic decay. Producing more of what already is has become the de facto measurement of newness in videogame culture, making the superficiality of familiar ideas incrementally more plausible, until a point of numbness is reached, novelty having diluted itself to the point of being unidentifiable within a mass of hyper-animated information.



Playing games that have extended the design patterns of the last generation on Wii U—Batman: Arkham Origins, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Mass Effect 3, FIFA, Splinter Cell: Blacklist—there is a palpable sense of an era having designed itself into a corner. The addition of a second screen integrated into the controller does indeed feel like gimmickry, but its gimmickry that reveals the thoughtlessly repeated design ideas of the games themselves more than the controller and its touchscreen. Gimmickry is the heart of play, the redirection of something toward a purpose that’s not immediately obvious to produce a sense of discovery and surprise. What’s often described as depth in play is only just a proliferation of branching gimmicks, each leading to a variety of roughly equivalent automations, the choice between which conveys a kind of intimate fragment of personhood to some other player familiar with the sleight-of-hand bylaws and what passes for alternatives to them.


Even when used as just a map screen, the Wii U’s controller points to a dimensional complexity in play that’s absent in the more computationally powerful PS4 and Xbox One. Playing half-hearted ports with minimal investment in the new play apparatus, there is a greater sense of possibility and strangeness than anything I’ve felt from higher screen resolution, more non-playable characters, or more elaborate physics simulations. But since most third-party developers have abandoned Nintendo’s small gesture toward a new kind of thinking about play, whatever advancement their machinery could have led to will remain a theoretical abstraction.


#302712 The Wii U doesn't need more RAM

Posted by NintendoReport on 13 November 2014 - 08:18 AM

It's quite amazing how X looks now in the latest direct compared to the initial reveal back in 2013. I posted this in another thread, but that game clearly is on the final legs to going gold and the graphical increase/fidelity/detail is quite pronounced.


Nintendo is "new" to HD too, with refinement of their development tools and game engines, we are in store for some great stuff.

#302500 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by BrosBeforeGardenTools on 11 November 2014 - 01:04 PM

DUDE.......How can I explain this???
Wii U specs
1.2ghz PPC processor
2GB of RAM
550mhz UKNOwn GPU

YOUR  AMD HD5550 RIG SPECS.(Note;when you are benchmarking a graphics card you are supposed to give it as much resources as possible)

At least a core i3(Am sure its an i7)
definetly 8GB of RAM(if not 16)
A 1000watt power supply
OH 5550 GDDR5(not DDR3)

Please USE YOUR BRAIN and compare the specs

The reason that xbox one GPU is running call of duty at sub HD is the fact that its running on DDR3 VRAM (bandwith of 30-40gb/s) compared to its PC and Ps4 counterparts which are running a GDDR5(70-150gb/s) this 30-60gb/s difference can make miracles

Long time no see. This is Porridge or whatever name you remember me by. Start posting more or I will make you listen to tweenage girl music. Lol.

#301006 Official Wii U specs and technical discussions thread

Posted by megafenix on 24 October 2014 - 09:31 PM

Long time no see... but on topic I can't wait to see this actually in motion. should be sweet. Cool they are delivering and not delaying like project cars and 90's arcade racer but yes I hope this releases before the end of the year?

I am also pretty existed about this game, also the comments from the developer pretty much confirmed that wii u has pretty good capabilities and good amount of edram bandwidth that it can handle triple buffering for the deffered rendering with ease and this technique is known to take a lot bandwidth and crytek knows that since the esram on xbox one is barely enough for the framebuffer of 900p and the gbuffer for the deffered rendering, but with wii u shinen only uses 1/3 of the edram for the triple buffering with g buffers and about 7.1MB of edram for the framebuffer with double buffering, that still leaves almost half main edram for other things


the art style seems to resemble wipeout hd for the ps3

#294492 Xbox One Lunar White Controller (Review) | ZyroXZ2

Posted by Zinix on 30 July 2014 - 05:32 AM

Ryudo leading the herdal of sheep. Don't worry TC, the XO is a fine console. 

#299265 Minecraft Clone: "U Craft" Announced

Posted by NintendoReport on 26 September 2014 - 08:09 AM

this thread is giving me the



#299833 My Gigabyte Brix Gaming review

Posted by BrosBeforeGardenTools on 05 October 2014 - 02:50 PM

I was expecting alot of heat because their throwing massive power inside a mini htpc case but from what you wrote it doesnt produce much heat.
I would like to correct something , Geforce 750M runs on ddr3 not GDDR3. So its basiclly running with the same bandwith as your RAM.
I was hoping for some FPS but its very good short review but am planning to get the zotac e3 as you recommednded.

Oops, sorry.

Tomb Raider, ultra settings, 1600x900 - 33fps.

Half-Life 2 (lol), 1600x900, 4x AA, 16x AF, maxed - approximately 200 fps.

Crysis - ultra settings, 1600x900 - about 25fps. (I prefer High just because)

Also, here is what gaming on the integrated graphics as opposed to the dedicated card is like:

Half-Life 2, 1600x900, 4x AA, 16x AF, maxed - 30 fps.

(That's an 7x boost by using the card!)


#299681 What do you use to play mkv files on Wii U?

Posted by Hellmark on 03 October 2014 - 05:52 AM

Adobe has dropped all support for Flash for mobile devices. But there's nothing stopping companies from maintaining their own versions of flash.

That would be a logistical and legal nightmare. In order to do that, they'd have to create a new flash component, as Adobe has totally restricted who and what can even access their flash SDK. Creating something from scratch with 100% compatibility, is very difficult. Not only that but would require some clean "white room" style reverse engineering, basically having programmers who have never seen the existing Flash codebase poke and prod at a binary to see how it works, documenting the full process. If things are not done very carefully, Adobe could sue them. For an optional thing, as part of a option, it ranks too low on Nintendo's priorities to put the amount of effort and money into doing.


Adobe for several years now has been working on killing off Flash completely, with the stated intended purpose of instead backing HTML5. Mobile support has been killed off, with mobile support being killed that also kills off embedded productions such as game consoles, and Linux Support has been effectively killed. It is a matter of time before Mac and Windows support is ended as well.

#299279 IGN's Review of Super Smash Bros. for 3DS

Posted by YoshiGamer9 on 26 September 2014 - 12:00 PM

Solid review. I'd expect it to get 8's and 9's, thats very good.

I am looking forward to more stages in Wii U version.. this one was just confirmed from Game and Wario. It's from the Gamer mini game which was one of my favorites.

Lighting looks super








Did they up the graphics on the game? :o

#290367 I like XBox One

Posted by Socalmuscle on 15 June 2014 - 03:30 AM

Actually, it was a pretty sound decision to do what they did. It keeps options open. It's always a gable when you lock in specs. And ms clearly has option when it comes to heat with all the venting and the ginormous fan. Add to that the fact that they had probably built the system with the forthcoming dx12 in mind and possible further clock increase, and you have a somewhat scaleable closed system. Whodathunkit?

Ps4.had many heat related issues already. And external psu equals less interior heat.

The console itself is FAR sturdier than the ps4, which flexes easily. Also the controller is much more durable. The dual shock has poor rubber coating in the analog sticks which wears off too easily.

The share and option buttons are also horribly designed with perhaps the worst ergonomics ever seen on a controller.

USB connectivity is a plus. Why anyone would complain about MORE options is beyond reason. And USB ports in front is just ugly. Like an afterthought.

The x1 is nicer looking in my opinion. The equally divided gloss and matte vs the PS4 design which is offset with an arbitrary division. Doesn't even follow the golden ratio. Kind of surprising in this day and age. Both feature trapezoid design cues and edgy vent design.

But the ps4 just looks gimmicky with its fisher price light setup.

What I like about the ps4 has to do with it's guts. Specifically the gpu and ram. Everything else is in the xbox's favor.

Even the batteries in the controller outlast the ps4 built in battery on full charge. Probably again due to the stupid light that we cannot yet turn off. 

#288534 This is the story of how I almost got fired.

Posted by grahamf on 06 June 2014 - 10:38 PM

browse the internet in private? that way it doesnt save the history

Well that would be even worse if you get caught. Given the circumstances of your work it would be understandable that you would want something to do at times. At best I'd recommend you talk to your supervisor explaining that sometimes you have to wait up to a whole hour for a job to come in, and ask him if there's anything you can do during those times. You could also email him instead, but I don't know how long it would take for him to reply.

Maybe you can spend that time researching ideas for logos or experimenting with new techniques?

#288302 What do you guys think about Iwata?

Posted by 3Dude on 05 June 2014 - 12:36 PM




This is what i think of Iwata

#288120 Ubisoft the game review

Posted by NintendoReport on 04 June 2014 - 08:51 AM

If people don't like the author/article, Tim Colwill take it up with him and not the OP.


If only we all had a shining sense of humour like yours and we could all laugh at this predictable (and lengthy) joke




#288104 Ubisoft the game review

Posted by Hunter on 04 June 2014 - 07:27 AM

Shall I make a review on the hundred and fifty Mario games that are basically identical? Throwing stones when you live in the house of Nintendo isn't a wise decision.

You're really comparing Ubisoft's yearly franchises to Mario games? Besides the Super Mario Bros. series they all have quite different gameplay mechanics.

I disagree with this article because Ubisoft do have some decent games but your comments just make you sound like a Ubisoft fanboy.

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