More from Conan at E3, Conan picks MK8 over PS4 and Xbox 1 LOL... watch all the way through.
omg, Lol! so funny
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Posted by Hitomi
on 26 June 2013 - 04:36 PM
More from Conan at E3, Conan picks MK8 over PS4 and Xbox 1 LOL... watch all the way through.
omg, Lol! so funny
Posted by Hitomi
on 24 June 2013 - 01:16 AM
just wanted to share this XD
Posted by Hitomi
on 23 June 2013 - 04:18 PM
the only xbox game that i like is Halo, xbox one isn't worth it [ imo ] plus i don't like kinect
Edit: just watched the xbox video, is Kinect connected to the system? can we Not connect it ?
Posted by Hitomi
on 19 June 2013 - 01:05 PM
lol wow...
now lose the kinect and it'll be good
Posted by Hitomi
on 19 June 2013 - 08:01 AM
Vita is dead by now, so they decided to copy the wii u and add the vita as a feature for ps4
just like when they copied the wii before with ps move
Posted by Hitomi
on 17 June 2013 - 07:22 PM
The 3DS and the Wii U are like the last things you would expect him talking about... the vita and the xbone being the first things, but nooo he goes in reverse! Actually no, he goes in circles because he is a baby and doesn't know much yet XD
He knows nothing about gaming, he just doing that for attention obviously.
Posted by Hitomi
on 17 June 2013 - 06:52 PM
True, it only works with five year olds, this guy probably still wears a diaper, or is close to the age where he needs to wear one again...
He's a big baby..
anyways, he picks what ppl like and start bashing it, it's just what he does... surprised he didn't talk about vita yet
Posted by Hitomi
on 16 June 2013 - 10:51 AM
I'll stick a Fork in his nose.
Posted by Hitomi
on 14 June 2013 - 04:39 PM
Posted by Hitomi
on 10 June 2013 - 02:47 PM