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Member Since 22 May 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2015 12:46 AM

#245622 A Day With PlayStation®

Posted by Nollog on 12 September 2013 - 05:18 AM

It shows the Vita TV. It can't be old.

Oh my appologies, I was confusing it with the US verison

Because it's exactly the same. hipster getting overly excited by nothing, and marketing conditioning to make you think you should be excited too.

#244860 Any ideas to make the site more appealing?

Posted by Nollog on 07 September 2013 - 08:13 PM

We need less pessimists like Syks-01 or Djlewe.

They're not pessimists, they're just Sony fangirls.

#238596 Wonderful 101 is the reason to own a Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 11 August 2013 - 03:01 PM

Same people with the same elitism as they had with monster hunter.

Its also the same exact people who crapped on every single monster hunter thread. Repeatedly.

Its never good enough for them to say they just dont like monster hunter, or its just not for them.

No, they have to try to PROVE its a bad game and people who enjoy it are stupid/blind fanboys.

Its not a coincidence these are both high skill demanding games, and the same people are going out of their way to crap on people who enjoy the game.

Its getting pretty obvious any game thats too hard/complex for them is 'shallow' and has 'bad controls' and 'overhyped'.

But once their arguments start getting destroyed its nothing but 'geez, cant you guys accept people have different opinions?'

#244822 dying light(best zombie game on nxt gen)

Posted by Nollog on 07 September 2013 - 05:19 PM

Oh, it's Dead Island again.

#242998 PC game suggestions

Posted by TriplePower on 30 August 2013 - 08:53 AM

BioShock. All three of them.

#242917 do u think it deserves?

Posted by Mewbot on 30 August 2013 - 03:18 AM

Wait a minute. Beenle, why do all your posts always link to eachbyte or some shady accessory site? 

Most advanced spambot ever?

#242559 Iwata slowly making his way out?

Posted by 3Dude on 29 August 2013 - 05:23 AM

I like him too but I fear that I'm being blinded by that and that his presence in the company is slowly ruining it. If he understood the business so well, they wouldn't be in the situation they are right now.
If think Nintendo still needs him in the company (in the board or something, idk) but just not in his current position. Nintendo needs a better leader. Someone who can make two of the most successful video game consoles in history and not sit by that success hoping the Nintendo brand, or the Wii brand, will save its successors.

I really dont think you have enough information on whats been going on at nintendo.

Iwata, DID make two of the most successful consoles in history, in fact, he and miyamoto SAVED THEM, from being the most embarrassing failures since the virtual boy. Yamuchi wanted the ds to be no more powerful than a gba, and the wii to be a controller peripheal for the gamecube to last through an entire generation. Only Iwata and Miyamoto gegging him to please understand and puttingbtheir jobs on the line got us the marginally more powerful wii as a new console, and the n64 power level ds. It is NOT a coincidence that when yamauchi left both the 3ds and the wii u were much larger leaps in power than nintendo saw last time.

What you dont understand, is Iwata has been cleaning up a MASSIVE mess since before hes even been in charge.

Hiroshi Yamouchi nearly destroyed Nintendo, with the same batcrap crazy gamer hating iron fist he used to build it. Iwata has been cleaning up his mess since the end of gamecube.

EA has ALWAYS hated and shunned Nintendo. And Yamauchi's brutal treatment of 3rd parties is the reason why. There are still people there, investors, board members, who have a seething hatred of Nintendo because of Yamauchi's (often illegal) strong arm tactics.

Its been like this since the 80's. What was the original home of ea sports? The master system, then the genesis, then the playstation. EA are not alone in being pissed at Nintendo for horrible strong arm tactics.

We are talking about a man, who upon first being invited to take part in a partnership of the family business nintendo, fired his brother immediately, with no provacation, to ensure no power plays were made and there was no loyalty to any other Yamauchi but him. This was back in the playing cards/toys days.

Yamauchi hated video games. He hates people who play videogames, he hates people who make videogames. He openly called fans of square rpg's lonely loser nerds who live alone in their mothers basement playing video games in the dark.

The next final fantasy, after six exclusive to nintendo systems, released on playstation, a product made by sony ANOTHER COMPANY lied to, bullied, and (attempted) back stabbed by yamauchi (this is where the nintendo phillips cdi games came from).

Gunpei Yokoi, co creator of metroid, father of the gameboy, was designing a next gen system, an ambitious new experience, offering 3d visuals via a powerful new processor and brilliant 24 bit color. Yamauchi decreed that the project would cost too much, and thwt worthless crappy little gamer morons were perfectly happy playing games with no color. He ripped out the budget and demanded Gunpei to finish the project. We ended up with a sad little system that could only display red and black. Yamauchi then fired the man who created the game boy.

Nintendo was the first console maker to go online. With the famicom, nintendo came out with a modem, which allowed microtransactions, to buy downloadable episodic games, or applications like checking bank accounts.

many in the company saw great long term potential if they could foster and grow an audience for the new technology. Yamauchi HATED the idea, and decreed the short term loss was unacceptable, and that gamers do not want internet in there games. A stance he held even in the face of xbox live taking off. And even when other members finally convinced him online was a necessary function, he crippled the functionality by demanding the cheapest possible solution, and we got freind codes. As soon as Yamauchi is gone, Nintendo network goes up, and earnest attempts to patch up the broken nintendo online experience began. They are even trying to figure out how to unify accounts, WITHOUT screwing over all the online users who already have accounts tied to the old fractured system. Its a huge mess, that iwata has been left to clean up. Its not going to go away if Iwata leaves.

Almost all the things you are upset about, are leftovers from Yamauchi Nintendo that Iwata has to clean up. They arent going to go away just because Iwata leaves.

The wii u, was a brilliant idea when it was conceptualized in 2007. It was pure winning. Nintendo NAILED the future trend. Nintendo wanted to release a tablet controller... BEFORE the tablet craze! It Just moved faster than the console generation, with its new model every 6 months business model. By the time wii u came out, it was already at full swing and past them. Oops.

Iwata still has a third winner with the 3ds, and im sure he can turn the wii u around the same way. Not as big as last time, but still pleasantly successful. I dont know if anyone can fix the damage done by Yamauchi with western 3rd parties.

#241190 Do you think that the ps360 could run X without any scalebacks at all?

Posted by 3Dude on 23 August 2013 - 03:41 AM

Bro, the last of us and beyond two souls obliterates x and anything else the Weak U currently has and will have.

Beyond 2 souls is a horrible looking joke that stretched itself way beyond the limits of its engine and suffered horribly.

The last of us has amazing art direction, but fails to match the strength of the wii u in several ways.

First and foremost, its not an open world game. 99% of what you see is just background, you cant actually go to it. Its set up similarly to metroid, you have 'large' set peices (though compared to x or even xenoblade, even these are microscopic, typically only the size of colony 9 or smaller, and just the city area) seperated by enclosed often tunnel like areas used to hide the streaming of the next outside area. Areas typically larger than this, like the exciting intro, are of a far, faaaaaaaar lesser quality, with extremely poor textures and assets naughty dog hopes you dont have time to notice because you are riding by in a car.

You cant see a point, and just fly straight to it like in x, in tlou, it doesnt really exist, often, its just a 2d backdrop, or psx level asset. It would also crash the system, as without culling all those unseen polygons, it would be far more than the system could handle.

Then theres the fact that X actually renders individual rocks and pebbles, while those details are simply drawn onto the textures of the last of us.

Then theres the small amount of characters allowed at once. While X shows herds upon herds of wildlife along with giant mechs and other players. TLOU never exceeds its dozen character cap. Less when large enemies like the bloater are around.

And on the subject of large, tlou's largest enemy gets stepped on by x's average mob size.

Then there is the fact x is a online multiplayer game. How does tlou multiplayer holdup to its single player? Ew, yeah....

And.... TLOU was a 500 man team with 4 years put into it.

X is a beta stage game that has just over a year.

#240867 [Concept] Wii U advertisement

Posted by Big Boss on 21 August 2013 - 06:49 PM

Needs more dubstep.

#240659 PS4 conference in September.

Posted by Mitch on 20 August 2013 - 10:08 PM

Well gee, I wonder what they'll show this time, is it more Killzone, Knack, Infamous 2nd son and Watch_Dogs?



At first I thought you were just a Xbox One hater...


Then I was led to believe you were just a Wii U hater...


But now you hate on Sony 


Its good to see you have covered all your bases and become the well rounded Julio we want :*




Ive yet to see Ouya hate.... Julio biggest Ouya fanboy on the site confirmed

#240240 Why do people put down the WiiU

Posted by 3Dude on 19 August 2013 - 06:20 AM

Back in the late mid 90's Sega, hired a certain American marketer to counter against nintendos mindshare.

Sega CEO Hayao Nakayama hired Tom Kalinske to replace Katz as CEO of Sega of America. Kalinske knew nothing about videogames, but was a master of using psychological conditioning in advertising.

Kalinske unleashed a multimillion dollar psychological research campaign with thousands upon thousands of case studies, he found a huge potential market in adolescent teens, as these were the children who had been playing nes games for the past 5 years, now they were 10,11, 12, and kalinske KNOWS adolescent teens, they are desperately trying to pretend to be adults, and are horribly embarrassed of anything reminding them of their recent childishness.

Kalinske found his jugular, and went for it in one of the most brilliant and brutal psychological comparative marketing campaigns in history.

Kalinske tailor made an ad campaign for adolescents, full of rebelling against authority, sexual innuendo, and making a point of making childhood look incredibly embarrassing, and associating childhood with nintendo. Nintendo was for kids, babies. This is the source of Nintendo is kiddy, and no amount of reality could phase this perception. Not even when snes had super metroid and sega was still promoting a bright blue cartoon hedgehog. The manufactured halo effect was inpenetrable.

It worked amazingly well. Kalinske proudly released the results of his campaign to Nakayama. A final case study showing that thousand upon thousands of children 10-15 were now, at a ratio of 7-10, embarrassed to admit they owned a super nintendo, but felt cool for owning a genesis.

Some of these children inevitably became game reviewers, and clearly still under segas manufactured halo effect, and actively still perpetuating it, even though sega as a console manufacturer is now long gone.

#239092 WiiU needs more games!

Posted by Abcdude on 13 August 2013 - 10:00 PM

Good thinking, sherlock

#238297 What nintendo needs to do to make the Wii U competitive.

Posted by meitantei_conan on 10 August 2013 - 01:10 PM

So people want all three console to be the exact same, no difference, no uniqueness, no innovation. ok then.... I just no....ugh internet is just getting dumber everyday. 

#238350 Wii U

Posted by Fiery on 10 August 2013 - 03:13 PM

We're still having the longest sentence Tournament.

#237099 Pikmin 3, Does it do anything superior to ps360?

Posted by MatrixChicken on 04 August 2013 - 06:11 PM



OH MAN. Sorry. Thanks for that, Desert. :D

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