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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2013 06:29 PM

#55275 -

Posted by Joshua on 17 January 2012 - 04:58 PM

This site may get a little makeover once the Wii U comes out. The site's 'skin' should appear like the colour and texture design of the Wii U.

But I'm just assuming of course.

#55232 Post your beautiful face

Posted by Joshua on 17 January 2012 - 02:29 PM

I'm too scared... :(

#55019 Not one, but two Zelda Games For The 3DS???

Posted by Joshua on 16 January 2012 - 02:17 PM

That would be awesome. I'm up for another 'Oracle of...' type Zelda game.

#54828 What will Wii U game covers look like?

Posted by Joshua on 15 January 2012 - 09:55 PM

I would rather digital downloads and no cases lol

For the love of Talos, NO!!!!

I want them to look like a ps3 case. I want a black cover too.

Posted ImageLike this but black

This is exactly what I mentioned. Good minds think alike aye Sportsgamer? :D

#54791 Let's talk Zelda Wii U

Posted by Joshua on 15 January 2012 - 08:29 PM

All I want is awesomeness!

#54593 GameCollector's Game Sales Thread (New stuff and things!)

Posted by Joshua on 15 January 2012 - 12:22 PM

*wishes 3DSs weren't region-locked*

I know right! If only the 3DS weren't region locked I'd be purchasing my games from the United States; and getting a huge bargain!

#54591 Wii U Controller: Modeled and rendered by Hinkik

Posted by Joshua on 15 January 2012 - 12:20 PM


Just a suggestion though, you should add the images of the home button, the - and +, letter buttons etc.

#54160 Operation Blue Wave

Posted by Joshua on 14 January 2012 - 04:37 AM

this operation managed to get wii u trending on twitter for five minutes, how awesome is that!!

It's very awesome! :D

#54115 Are You Getting the PS Vita?

Posted by Joshua on 13 January 2012 - 11:43 PM

I don't like any handhelds out in the market right now. I'm waiting for a new good one. I've been using my itouch as a entertainment while being bored. My Nintendo Slide idea I would buy that with a good support of games it would be perfection. I was excited about the Dsi and worked real hard for it then I finally got it, it wasn't even that great. I worked for 7 months collecting bottles so I could buy one. Now with the 3ds, I saw it and it seemed intresting. I wanted to find more information about it and I saw it had miis and much more cool features. I saw Street Fighter and the winging Wii sports game, it looked cool. Then I saw Pes 12 it was okay then Fifa 12 meh then Madden 11 terrible like wii version After seeing poor sports games, I decided not to buy it.

The vita is not good either. a PSP mixed with a PSP go with enhanced graphics and touch screen, not really cool.Bad lineup of games too. I'm saving up for the wii u by the way 200 bux already :D. However, if I were given one of these I would take it.

Well, it's a no-brainer you would buy it since it was your own idea! :D

#54082 Countries that you have been to and countries you want to see!

Posted by Joshua on 13 January 2012 - 08:09 PM

I've been to;

Australia (I live here :P)

United States


New Zelda Zealand



United Kingdom

South Africa

and Russia.

I want to go to:
North Korea (I'm curious...)

South Korea





and Italy

#53614 Sony or Microsoft will be done making consoles!

Posted by Joshua on 12 January 2012 - 12:51 AM

Nintendo is already in. (Wii U, duh!)

As for the other two, SONY has the higher chance of going seeing as they have lost loads of cash from the PS3.
So in terms of finance, they are gone.

But, like Aussie (spelt your name like an Australian, using 's') Wingman said, I do believe this is a bunch of hogwash and I doubt any of the 3 will leave next generation.

#53312 Is "Wii U" the console's final name?

Posted by Joshua on 11 January 2012 - 12:01 AM

The name has grown on me. Like many I had a negative reaction to 'Wii U', but now I think it's got to be one of the most intriguing names for a console ever.

While not entirely creative, I have no problem with the name - and it's easy to remember.

I believe it's a very creative name. During the 2011 E3 conference Reggie Fils-Aime mentioned that the 'U' in Wii U could mean anything.
It can mean, Universal, Unique, U (as in 'you'), Utopia, anything! Basically the meaning of 'U' is totally up to the person interpreting it.

#53306 they said I was crazy... PS4 and next box at E3 2012

Posted by Joshua on 10 January 2012 - 11:24 PM

you know shokio, the dude that recently joined this forum, he just released a video proving wii u IS a next gen console :D its an awesome vid and he has like 10000 subs so a lot of people will see it. if someone doesnt believe it, link them to the vid ;)

oh and about the E3 2012, im not 100% convinced but i am pretty much 95% convinced that all three next gen consoles will show at E3 2012, but if one of them doesnt then it will be ps4 that doesnt. im really hoping microsoft goes all out with the kinect next generation :D

Here is the video to those interested. He makes some good points and is 100% factual and non-biased.

#53223 Most Popular Posts?

Posted by Joshua on 10 January 2012 - 07:11 PM

I remember getting a 'popular' post by shouting that I wished Super Smash Bros. never had 3rd party characters.

#53190 What should Nintendo's online be called

Posted by Joshua on 10 January 2012 - 04:53 PM

Yeah I know. That name is just scary.


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