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#93582 Understanding graphics (101)

Posted by 10k on 16 July 2012 - 09:02 AM in General Gaming


#90872 Gamer Economic Pros Needed for trade-in advice.

Posted by 10k on 29 June 2012 - 07:07 PM in General Gaming

Eb games Canada is not like the US stores. They have awesome deals with trade ins. They add extra credit if you trade towards a new console. By trading in my 360, two controllers and 5 games I only had to pay $72 for my vita (regular $277 with taxes included).

I can't help you if you are in the states.

#90846 What game should I get?

Posted by 10k on 29 June 2012 - 04:29 PM in General Gaming

Xenoblade too me 65 hours to beat. Try FF III and FF XIII-2. Try Darksiders (very Zelda like). skyward sword and twilight princess are long too.

#89139 Monolith Soft Wii U project

Posted by 10k on 21 June 2012 - 03:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well with HD development being expensive and making JRPGs more linear (ffiii and iii-2) I would be happy if this project was just as big as xenoblade but in HD! :)

#89049 [For Fun] If you could only pick 1 of the following which would you pick?

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 03:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Super Mario 128. This is too easy. You gotta poll without Nintendo's big 5 franchises lol

#89047 Miyamoto Says Wii U “Might Not Be As Powerful” As The Next Xbox And PlayStation

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 03:21 PM in Wii U Hardware

Miyamoto can't answer it since the other companies haven't released there systems. He is also right that they have to balance cost with power. The PS3 couldn't find a good balance and that hurt in the begining. We will have to wait and see how it goes.

Yeah the Xbox 360 nailed the balance of power nd price. It was $299 for the basic and $399 for the complete system with wireless controllers and an HDD. It had graphics on par with the PS3 at the beginning of the console era and played DVDs as well while getting all third party games (sometimes the definitive ones too) all while being $200 cheaper than the PS3. It was good value. Too bad Iin Canada it was $100 more :(

#89044 Crytek: Wii U is 'minimum as powerful as Xbox 360'

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 03:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

UE4 also runs on xbox360 and ps3 downscaled. call me when u actually know something about technology

Unreal 4 hasn't been released yet lol. It's a next gen engine that can only be ran by a 2011 level GPU. Call ME when you learn something about technology. Just because I am trying to be realistic and keep your hype levels in check doesn't mean you can start insulting me. I insulted nobody. Just because I said something that disagrees with your point of view I get insulted? Grow up dude.

#88909 Crytek: Wii U is 'minimum as powerful as Xbox 360'

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 08:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

So if you DOUBTERS on this site actually read between the lines like I have been saying. He basically said in that interview the Wii U is already running a next gen engine. But I'm sure that isn't good enough for you guys.

Cryengine 3 runs on both PS3 and 360 downscaled. It's not next gen. Call me when they say frostbite 2 or unreal 4.

#88908 HD TV?

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 08:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yes, the Wii U supports 480i and 480p output for SD tv's. But the games are meant to be played at a 16:9 aspect ratio of a widescreen tv instead of a 4:3 aspect ratio of an SDTV and using an SDTV will make the games look worse.

Go buy yourself a cheap 32" LEDTV that supports 1080p. It will be well worth it.

#88889 What Games Have You Sunk The Most Hours Into?

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 07:18 AM in General Gaming

It's like your a monster hunter fan or something ;p

I forgot to add Starcraft for PC. Easily 500 plus hours into that game with its addictive multiplayer and user created maps and games.

#88881 What Games Have You Sunk The Most Hours Into?

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 05:59 AM in General Gaming

Title says it all. What games have you spent so much time on that you neglected your social life? It can be from any console/handheld or PC. Hell it can be a mobile game for all I care.

1. Pokemon Blue (GameBoy)

I played this game so much when I was in elementary school it got ridiculous. I played it more than all my game boy games combined. At least 200 hours was put into this game by me.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)

My first N64 game and first Zelda game ever. This game turned me into a forever fan of the series. I beat the N64 version around 5 or 6 times and if you include the Master Quest and GameCube version and the 3DS version I spent around 200 hours in this game. I spent about 100 on the original version alone.

3. Legend of Dragoon (Playstation)

I only beat this game once, but played it up until disc 4 a few times. Each play thorough was around 50 hours. I sunk about 120 hours into this game and is still in my top 5 RPGs of all time.

4. The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask (Nintendo 64)

I played this game so many times just to explore its huge world and talk to all the characters and do all the side quests. Getting the fierce deity mask and using it against Majora was a high point in my gaming career. I sunk a good 80 hours into this game.

5. Metroid Prime (GameCube)

My favorite in the trilogy, my favorite GameCube game (even better than wind Waker for me) and beat it 5 times plus the wii version for a gameplay time at around 120 hours. Wonderful game.

#88866 Nintendo Offering "Insane Incentives" To Publish on Wii U eShop

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 03:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Is it actually $100 that they'll make per console or was that just him throwing out some number off of the top of your head?

Lol thank you its a quote from David Cross (2nd funniest actor in the world behind Sacha Baron Cohen) on the show Arrested Development

Hope he pulled that number out of his ass because if not, those are some terrible mathematics.

#88865 Wii or 360?

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 03:33 AM in General Gaming


The only reason being the online payment. I find it a deterrent, and will only submit to it when everyone of the big three are doing it, in which case I'd have no choice.

I already consistently play my PS3, so I don't have to worry about the majority of 3rd party titles in that regard. I also don't care too much about Halo, Gears or Forza.  The only thing that Xbox 360 had that PS3 doesn't and that I want to play is Mass Effect... I think.

Well mass effect was a big reason why I got a 360 in 2007, that and huge promotion. But you can get mass effect 1 on the PC too so if you want the complete experience, buy the trilogy for PC and sell the Xbox ones like me.

#88751 Wii or 360?

Posted by 10k on 19 June 2012 - 03:18 PM in General Gaming

There's nothing to do on a Wii right now it's not enjoyable as it used to be. I just have to play the same old games.

Lol same goes to the 360. Halo 4 is not enough of a reason to keep my 360. That's why I traded it for a vita. I still use my Wii and I'm playing all the operation rainfall games and Pikmin 2

#88745 Nintendo Offering "Insane Incentives" To Publish on Wii U eShop

Posted by 10k on 19 June 2012 - 03:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Since they'll make around $100 profit on each console they can rest easy giving publishers/developers 80% revenue, the more developers come on board, the more cool games hopefully come on the platform, the more consoles are sold, the more profit Nintendo make

$100 profit per console? Jesus Christ dude you are optimistic. The Wii only made Nintendo $6 of net income per console lol.

This is great news. Nintendo is slowly growing up and actually improving in areas where their competitors fall flat. Maybe third parties will show up on the Wii U.

#88670 Blizzard Says StarCraft On Wii U "Might Work"

Posted by 10k on 19 June 2012 - 11:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The first one was on the N64.

And it was an abomination.

#88642 -

Posted by 10k on 19 June 2012 - 08:46 AM in General Gaming

Well, violence never really bothered me much. Maybe I havn't played the most violent of violent video games though. If there is a "Saw" of the video gaming industry, then I would find that tasteless and pointless.

But violence is fine when placed in context. Mortal Kombat, for example, is supposed to be sort of cartoony or slapstick violence. It kind of makes you laugh when you x-ray break someone's rib cage and then rip their spine out, you know? Everything I've seen in COD and BF have been fine, seeing as their an arcade shooter and war simulation, respectively. And the Assassin's Creed series sort of "realistically" shows how a bad-a** assassin would kill people, which is central to the gameplay. And AC doesn't over do blood by any means.

Mad World for Wii was really violent and really bloody, but it similar to Mortal Kombat in that it was supposed to be over the top and comedic. It's not like it had Uncharted graphics and you were sitting there sawing apart realistic looking human beings.

I'm drawing a blank for more examples....

You hit the nail on the head.

Games that look realistic and have over the top gore and violence are ninja Gaiden and Metal Gear Rising seems to be over the top too.

#88640 Blizzard Says StarCraft On Wii U "Might Work"

Posted by 10k on 19 June 2012 - 08:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Have a digital keyboard on the GamePad and use the joysticks to move the mouse? This won't work. I love Nintendo, I love Starcraft II, I don't love this.

Its like saying how I love chocolate but I also love lobster. Will dipping lobster in chocolate make it more awesome? No, it would make me quite sick actually and ruin my taste for both things forever.

#88228 What happens if the PS4 and 720 are only 2-4x more powerful than Wii U?

Posted by 10k on 17 June 2012 - 04:20 AM in General Gaming

i still dont understand the logic that wii u will lose next gen. in fairness the least powerful hardware have won the past two generations. so wii u could still become the sales leaders. it will be fine. if you look at the information nintendo has said thus far and read between the lines you will understand this console is more than capable from a tech/power/graphics standpoint.

The logic being that the Wii U isn't expected to be powerful enough to run multiplat games of 720/PS4 games. Nintendo spent more money on the controller and is features, so the actual console itself isn't going to be as powerful as the 720 and PS4, two consoles that will use the money on the internal console parts rather than a fancy controller. The differences will be significant enough that the Wii U may not get some multiplat games and it will be this gen all over again.

If something would have 6 times the power of the current gen that would mean like gtx 670 or something. That can run stuff at 2060p 60fps or something.

I think it's about max 1.5-2x times the power of the current gen.

I think the Wii U is about 50-75% stronger than current gen. That's quite good.

Also, Nintendo will never ever release a power house console. Only cause the gamecube didn't sell well. Well I think the gamecube is the best nintendo console all time <_<

Power is usually measured in consoles by FLOPs, RAM, memory speed, type of memory, number of cores, feature sets, and support for shader models.

For example, the 360's GPU is 250 GFLOPs and in order to run UE4 or a Samaritan demo like game at 720p you need approximately a 1TFLOP GPU (which is 4x the power of the 360). If the Samiritan demo is supposed to be what next gen games look like then the PS4 and 720 will be at minimum 4x more powerful than this gens hd twins.

Of course the latest rumors from neogaf suggest the PS4 and 720 are aiming more for 1.5 TFLOPS GPUs which would smoke Wii U hard.

But, all this talk of power isn't really useful. What hurt the Wii was the lack of support of programmable shaders, which can help make any game look good. The 3DS supports it and that's how RE: Revelations and Super Mario 3D Land look better than some Vita games and Wii games. If the Wii U can support the newest shader models and feature API that supports tesselation and lightning etc, than it will be able to recieve ports of the HD twins next gen. The problem is all signs are pointing to it not being able to get those ports.

#88107 Take-Two skeptical of the Wii U

Posted by 10k on 16 June 2012 - 11:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

And so it begins......

#88106 Xbox 720 documents leaked, console is probably $299

Posted by 10k on 16 June 2012 - 11:41 AM in General Gaming

Document was removed. Maybe it was legit. If it is 6x the 360 then that will make the Wii U look like a toy with Iwata saying half the Wii U power is being used on current gen ports, which puts the Wii U at 2x the 360.

I don't see how the 720 can be 6x the performance of the 360 and cost only $299 especially with Kinect 2 and a tablet like controller.

#87668 sony for wii U

Posted by 10k on 14 June 2012 - 09:46 AM in General Gaming

It's highly likely at this point that the PS4 will be miles ahead of Wii U hardware wise. You can justify it all you want by saying "Sony is failing" or "Sony doesn't have enough money for a next-gen system", but it's the truth. Nintendo has underpowered the Wii U for the sake of it being cheap. I don't see Sony being willing to overpower PS4 simply because it'd be a waste of money, but they're not going to go Nintendo's route and underpower it. Instead, they'll probably make a middle-ground system that will likely still end up being the most powerful of the next-gen, due to Microsoft's recent focus on the casual audience and motion control over traditional gameplay.

Agreed. Sony wont want to bleed money, but I think they will take the money it costs to make a tablet controller and use it towards a better GPU and keep a standard controller. They will use the vita to promote tablet like controls instead.

#87665 sony for wii U

Posted by 10k on 14 June 2012 - 09:42 AM in General Gaming

I agree with Sony. If I was Sony I wouldn't feel threatened of the Wii U, at least not based on what was shown at E3 (which was launch and launch titles). No reason to panic yet, the PS3 will be getting the same multiplats on as the Wii U and with comparable graphics. The touchscreen controller is great, but it is a gimmick to Sony and they don't think it will set the gaming world on fire like the Wii did with motion controls (which I agree with as well)

I love Nintendo but nothing I saw at E3 convinced me the Wii U was better or more powerful than the PS3. PS3 has the software this year; Last of Us, God of War Ascension, Beyond, Playstation All-Stars, plus all the big third party games like splinter cell and metal gear rising and aciii.

Wii U has another Mario and Pikmin 3 (which is great, but not enough for a whole year)

#87664 Miyamoto is interested in making an FPS

Posted by 10k on 14 June 2012 - 09:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I now know why 2012 is the end of the world, Miyamoto wants to make an fps. Dear god help us all.....


Sounds interesting, an fps with a Miyamoto design flavor and art style and tight gameplay would be nice.

#87663 Nintendo preparing a new Legend of Zelda title for the 3DS

Posted by 10k on 14 June 2012 - 09:38 AM in General Gaming

-.- SS is better.. and i was planning on getting OOT 3D any ways so don't blab

I didn't know you loved linear Zelda so much :P

My apologies.

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