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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2013 06:29 PM

#193697 Crytek "Graphics Are 60% of the Game"

Posted by Fiery on 12 April 2013 - 01:36 PM

The other 40% is the DLC

#187170 New admin in the house!

Posted by Xiombarg on 27 March 2013 - 08:56 PM

Well, I feel both good and a little nervous, but that's probably normal. Don't expect any big speech out of me, so I will try to do what I can to help out as an admin now.  Feel free to contact me about any issues I can try and help out with.

#187166 New admin in the house!

Posted by Feld0 on 27 March 2013 - 08:50 PM

The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed a new blue name joining our ranks.


That's right, Mournblade is our newly promoted community admin! Give him a nice handshake before he flees in horror from 14,500 pages of chat logs.


The recent issues with inconsistent staffing called for some changes, and Mournblade has proven himself more than capable of managing a community at a higher level than merely cleaning up after the messes as a moderator. As an administrator, he'll now work alongside me in appointing new staff, adapting the forums' layout to the needs of the community, maintaining rulesets, and simpler things like changing up the banner from time to time, in addition to his previous duties.


With new forces in TheWiiU.com's administration, we're now in a good position to roll out a number of changes we've been planning for a while to make this community a better place for everyone. :)

#182563 PS2 Lie

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 14 March 2013 - 07:10 AM

All PS2's  play dvd's. It was the main selling point when it first came out.

#182662 Why Nvidia Isn't Powering The PS4.

Posted by Nollog on 14 March 2013 - 11:58 AM

"The two graphics companies have been duking it out for the past year"


A year.


Console folk sure are silly.

#175655 What HD remakes of nintendo games do you want on wii u?

Posted by Plutonas on 24 February 2013 - 04:34 PM

Star fox from gamecube!!!! AMAZING adventure and music.

#175706 Reasons why this forum is imploding

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 24 February 2013 - 06:05 PM

Hi, I'm Auzzie Wingman. I've been here on the Wii U Forums for a long time.

I'm not one of the most respected, I'm not one of the elite, I'm in no way saying I have a level of superiority above anyone. I am human and prone to error. I tend to care for every individual on this site, and for the site itself. So how about a little story time before I absolutely tear everything to pieces.

When I first joined, this site was quite literally a halcyon of the internet. Now, for those who don't know, a halcyon is period of utter serene peace, or something to that effect. The arguments were naught, the place wasn't spammed. "On the Wii U Forums? NO WAY!" Well yes, it is true. Such a thing existed here.... until Victorious V and nl had the first ever biache fight in the chat room. Mind you, such biaching was really tame to half the stuff that happens now.

And now, for the reasons that brought you here. My perspective on why things are DYING.

* Staff - It's a bit hard not to start with the staff. Of the six staff that can actually do something, only 3 of them are actually active. Mournblade is working his ass off for the most part, and Andy and Joshua tend to be on when he isn't. At least for the most part there is moderators around the clock. The problem is that there aren't active admins. I managed to send Feld0 and email today, and that's why he appeared today. AMAC and Crackkat have just disappeared off the face of the forums altogether.

We need a more dedicated administrator in the event that Feld0 can't acquire AMAC's services anymore. The same goes for the fourth moderator position if he can't get Crackkat.

* Threads - Yeah, threads. There are a number of problems going on with threads. First off, spam threads. We don't have a section for spam threads, so don't make them. And you wonder why people are calling this site crap. Didn't happen back in the day when quality existed, why did it ever happen. Then you've got Zinix's threads. I'm all for news, but there's also this thing called taste, and Zinix, I can tell you are purposely posting news that no one truly wants to hear. Anything that sounds immoral or destructive, you feel you need to post NO YOU DON'T STOP IT. Repeat threads. I think everyone needs to get over them. It's proven that search can be iffy and even more people don't know it exists. Merge whenever it gets found and never speak of it again, stop complaining about doubles. Do what Hunter did yesterday.

On another note, there really hasn't been enough meaningful topics out there. If you have an idea on how you can get a fulfilling discussion going, then post it. I'm more than ready to talk, practically everyone who uses the C3 is ready to discuss, heck, the people migrating from 3DSF lately more than likely have something constructive to say from where I'm sitting. I mean just look at 3Dude. 3DSF migrant who's been making great to hear news threads about the Wii U.

* Posts - First off, be constructive. Positive or negative, try to post things that actually make sense. No spam, no complete hatewagons. It's silly and degrading to everything, so don't troll. Also, cut the fanboyism. Saturn, this one is mostly to you. No need to be "Blame microsoft" or however it is that you do it. This might've been before you joined, but there is actually a strict "No bashing" policy on this forum. This also goes to several other members who have been invading the Hardware section and complaining "it's about the games, eff specs talk".

* Members - This is the big one. It involves all of you, no exceptions, not even Feld0, not even Epic Kirby, not even Hari nor Noonabites. EVERYONE. This is a public zone. You can hide behind your monitors but it's no different from being in school or a convention talking on stage. You can be yourself, but there are expectations of you from everyone else. If you feel that you aren't meeting those expectations, then perhaps you should show restraint. By expectations, people expect you to be polite. If you're gonna be aggressive then give a good reason to be aggressive. Don't troll others opinions and understand they aren't you, they might get it and they might not. If you feel offended, then let people know, they can't be expected to know if you don't say something. Stop working around behind each other's backs godamnit.

* Be part of the community - Say hi to people in introduction threads, jump into chat when you can, go into threads you don't usually go to, have fun in the forum games and roleplay section, put up a status update, change your profile every once in a while, discuss, post, be bothered. Simple.

Okay whatever. You've pissed me off. This is what you get.

#173025 Shigeru Miyamoto "I have never said that video games are an art"

Posted by Tricky Sonic on 19 February 2013 - 09:27 AM

I would have to disagree with Mr. Miyamoto. Games are pure expression of the devs. Why would someone say a game like Okami or Earthbound isnt art?

Unfortunately its all subjective. A lot of people don't consider video games OR movies art. My personal opinion is that they are more of an art form than any of the garbage they call "modern art" is.

#177454 Watch Dogs Site Banner (WIP)

Posted by CLOSED on 28 February 2013 - 08:55 AM

I thought I'd join in and have a go at making a banner. Trying to think of ideas of how things should be layed out was harder than I thought. Anyone have any ideas on how to improve this? I edited the lighting on the character to fit the background almost perfectly. I also added a motion blur behind the logo and used the match colour to get a similar gradient colour to the background. Then I added a gaussian blur to the background.

Full Size: http://i50.tinypic.com/35m4irp.jpg
Ok, So I have updated it so that the guy is lower down, his head is still in the red zone but it is just his hat that is so it's not much of a problem.
Full Size (2000x300) Click the picture :)
This is how it could look like as the banner:


I decided to make The Wonderful 101.

Full Size (Click)

What it would look like on the site:

#174875 Post your forum screenshots/quotes

Posted by Xiombarg on 23 February 2013 - 10:49 AM

I've said this several times now.  We aren't recruiting any mods, but if we do, we won't do it based on popular opinion or what the users say.

#171945 Post your forum screenshots/quotes

Posted by Chaotix on 15 February 2013 - 10:31 PM

Posted Image

#173789 Ubisoft confirms Watch Dogs for Wii U

Posted by Andy on 20 February 2013 - 06:19 PM

^^^ I wont complain, im not one of the idiots that bought a wii u expecting a heap of 3rd party support.

^^ I buy Nintendo FO Nintendo!

Anyone else find this mindset to be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy? If consumers maintain a mindset like this, than is there any wonder that third parties supposedly "Don't do well" on Nintendo systems? It makes sense that if consumers who buy Nintendo systems choose to purchase a multiplatform title for that system, than that will improve the situation with third party titles on their systems. Nintendo can do whatever they want to attract third parties, but if consumers don't make the choice to buy the Wii U version of a multiplatform game, than it would all be a wasted effort.

#173761 Ubisoft confirms Watch Dogs for Wii U

Posted by ProjectX3dsman on 20 February 2013 - 05:51 PM

#173774 Ubisoft confirms Watch Dogs for Wii U

Posted by Kokirii on 20 February 2013 - 06:05 PM


And if you own a WIi U and ever complain about lack of third party support, but buy this on PS4, YOU are the problem! B)

#173756 Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO

Posted by Lain on 20 February 2013 - 05:49 PM

It's to early (on both sides) to judge whether who has the better console and graphics. The WiiU hasn't even been out 6 months and the PlayStation4 hasn't come out on the market. Only time will tell.

As always.

Besides, I don't think the graphics were the real highlight of this meeting. It was more about its potential

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