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#314744 Metroid Prime Federation Force 3DS

Posted by storabajskorven on 16 June 2015 - 04:32 PM

Metroid has been dead for years and most people don't actually care about except the hardcore nintendo fans. Nintendo is probably using Federation as a safe way to test Metroid's interest and if they should make a new game.

Mp3 sold 1.8 million and Other M 1.3 million. Federation is the worst way to test interest, because fans and anyone who would enjoy a good Metroid game will hate it. The only thing it might accomplish is making people associate the Metroid franchise with a bad game.

#313686 Splatoon Is A Bad Unfinished Game

Posted by Big Boss on 02 June 2015 - 02:53 PM

You are just full of yourself  good for you. You keep instigating. Good mod there. Sorce is the only one in green who doesn't provoke.

i think you should probably stop negatively contributing to threads by throwing out your opinion as fact in the form of gifs and then proceeding to insult anyone who disagrees with your bias.

That would probably help you out.

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#313669 Splatoon Is A Bad Unfinished Game

Posted by Hank Hill on 02 June 2015 - 12:41 PM

I'm glad you can whine about crap that doesn't matter like an entitled crybaby.



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#313631 Splatoon Is A Bad Unfinished Game

Posted by Hank Hill on 01 June 2015 - 02:47 PM

I think the problem a lot of people are having here is that the game isn't finished in terms of content, even if said content is being added later on. If literally any other company besides Nintendo released a game light on content but said the rest of it is 'coming soon over the next few months' and released it at the full $60 anyway, the gaming community (and I'm sure this includes a few people here, too) would be in an uproar. And really, making a game where most of the focus is on the multiplayer anyway only have one game mode and five maps at launch is...kinda sad, regardless of the originality of the game itself. I'm pretty sure even the first Call of Duty to support online had more content than that at launch.


It's like if they released Smash Bros with half the characters of the previous title, one game mode, and a third of the stages, but still charged $60 and said "Eeeeh, we'll get the rest out eventually we just want our money." There's no excuse when other companies are releasing full online experiences with their games from the start, and then adding to /that/ at a later date.


I know I'm certainly not buying it until they add more content and I can get a few other games off of my Nintendo backlog first. (Though that last part is really no fault of Nintendo's, I'm just a lazy bum with a large Playstation backlog too >_>) But that is to say, I'm sure it's a great game. It seems wildly original and a lot of fun, it's just not worth my $48+tax at this point.


Like other people in this thread have said, it's just a good, currently-unfinished game with a lot of polish.

#312394 *Stands up and applauds*

Posted by NintendoReport on 26 April 2015 - 04:25 AM

Ryudo,  CUD



#312345 *Stands up and applauds*

Posted by DexterousGecko on 24 April 2015 - 05:07 PM

lets be honest here, mario 1 was a very small fraction of the game that new games are in terms of content and manhours/resources. Yes, there are nasty dlc practices, but some devs release a full game, and continue working on the game releasing new things as dlc. That I dont mind, in fact I really enjoy it. I love finishing with a game and feeling like it's complete, then having somehting added on for a few bucks.


Stop pretending dlc is the devil.

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#312158 Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens Trailer #2!

Posted by Hunter on 19 April 2015 - 05:36 AM

people aren't "hyped" because of nostalgia, they're excited because they are getting what looks to be an excellent followup to three of the greatest films ever made

#311963 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by Hunter on 13 April 2015 - 01:01 AM


Weren't you paying any attention when I was talking about Nintendo's target audience? The average consumer will stop playing and tell their friends and family about the manchild screaming obscenities rather than hitting mute and continue playing.




Nintendo has a reputation for fun yet family friendly gaming. They killed swapnote because a little girl got raped, even though not using swapnote is available as a feature in every 3DS.



Actually, he most likely is the customer. Regardless of Nintendo making titles that are suitable for families, they released the figures themselves which showed that 79% of Wii U owners are male aged 18-35 so your average wii u owner should be more than capable to switch off voice chat. Even if people are too dumb (which i think is unlikely) to figure out how to switch off voice chat, there are simple ways around that such as having it switched off as default or at least allowing you to have voice chat in private matches. This lack of voice chat wouldn't be a big deal if we actually had some decent communication features on the wii u (or even 3ds) but the fact of the matter is that it is just one of the many bad decisions nintendo has made with the wii u.


The swapnote thing is also a terrible decision just like this voice chat, and some fans continue to defend these decisions which harms Nintendo.


You know, i thought Shokio was being a bit melodramatic in his recent videos when he got mad at some Nintendo fans for defending this voice chat thing. After seeing the replies on here I can see he was right to get mad at them. Not because of this one issue, but because some fans continue to defend almost every bad decision Nintendo makes. Things will never change unless fans call out Nintendo on their bad decisions.

#311892 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by Hunter on 12 April 2015 - 04:17 AM

But can you voice chat across games like I asked? Well not necessarily across games but just to other friends while in-game through the OS.



Are you being serious? I really can't tell. Journey? That game not including voice chat can easily be overlooked but a team-based shooter such as Splatoon voice chat would definitely be ideal. Upon searching it seems that Dark Souls lacks voice chat but Dark Souls II doesn't so I'm not sure where you're getting your information from.


So you're claiming coordination and communication wont be necessary in Splatoon? It's a team based shooter, we know enough about it to know that voice communication would only enhance the experience.  


No you cannot chat across games with friends, there's no "party" system like on xbox or whatever the equivalent is on playstation. The only way you can communicate with your friends is to go onto miiverse and send them a private message or use the video chat (which is in a separate app so you cannot do anything else while using it).




I could understand Nintendo not putting voice chat in MK8 during races, I don't want to chat to people when I'm racing. Then they decided not to bother with voice chat in Smash, which i was really disappointed with. One of the biggest parts of smash is smack talking to your friends while you are kicking their ass, we all do it. And now, in a team based shooter i cannot talk to my teammates or even my friends.


I understand there are people who aren't bothered about voice chat, but to defend this decision and say Nintendo are right to take away options from their customers just makes you come across as a fanboy who thinks they can do no wrong. Nintendo need to stop with this nanny state bs, the majority of their fans are not children anymore, and even with children there are some very simple features which can be added for parents to stop their children using voice chat (like an "off" switch!).

#311877 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 11 April 2015 - 07:54 PM

Gamepad has a mic on it and you can video chat. MK8 lets you post match. Again I say why is it a big deal people praise Dark Souls and Journey and niether have voice chat either.

Because those games aren't team-based shooters that would actually benefit from voice chat? In Dark Souls/Journey, the multiplayer is about the interactions with complete strangers when they were in your world; you weren't supposed to communicate with them outside of vague hints in Dark Souls that were meant for the player to figure out and decide to trust. Here, the multiplayer is more team-based than most other shooters, so the lack of vocal communication between teammates is actually a big deal because you can't strategize about the best ways to cover an area or call for help when something unexpected happens. It's like not being able to speak to your teammates in a sport or your co-workers on a project.

#311783 AngryJoeShow Nintendo Rant

Posted by Bill Cipher on 09 April 2015 - 11:53 PM





Anyways... I get that he's mad that Content ID took his monies away, but what I don't get is why he doesn't just do Nintendo's creator program? That's, like, the only way to legally monetize YouTube videos of their games, right? Why did he blatantly monetize the video, despite not being in Nintendo's creator program, and despite knowing this would happen because of it? Also, it was super childish of him to take down the video. Can't you appeal Content ID flags? Couldn't he join Nintendo's creator program? Nah, just take the video down cuz Nintendo made me mad.


That's another thing about this whole ordeal... Was this even Nintendo's fault? As far as I know, Nintendo had nothing to do with the flag, other than that they uploaded footage of MP10 to their channel, which Content ID then uses to flag videos. AJ didn't even give Nintendo a chance to say anything or do anything about it, he just flipped out as soon as it happened. It would be like me making a fancy drink for someone ("someone" being Angry Joe), putting it on the table in from of them and saying, "Don't shake the table or it'll spill." They proceed to shake the table vigorously and, surprise surprise, it spills all over. Then they instantly get mad at me, even though they broke the rules, and I didn't even cause the incident.


Now, I haven't watched the MP10 video, so I don't know how much valuable input he provided, but it does sound like it was basically an excerpt from a casual stream from his Twitch, not the most riveting and insightful thing. But like I said, I didn't watch it, so I'm not sure on that. Not necessarily saying that should have bearing on whether it gets flagged or not, but I'd have a lot more sympathy for Joe if the video was like a 10-15 minute review or something.


Either way, It is Nintendo's decision to use Content ID (I think it is, right?) and to have the creator program, and it's perfectly fine and legal for them to do so. Just like it's fine for Joe to pull his video. I just don't have much sympathy for Joe when he blatantly broke the rules and got mad when he was punished for it.

Because Nintendo's Creator Program is bollocks. If you sign up for it, you get 60% per each video/70% if you dedicate your whole channel. Now, this isn't bad by itself(Though being fair, as I have said before Nintendo's Games are more stuff you watch for fun/the player, not the game, so Nintendo autoclaiming 40% is kind of absurd) but it's the fact that the Content Creator System is incredibly restrictive on what you CAN show. Yes, you can show some of the big games but there are several games that Nintendo has published/made that aren't part of the allowed games that have been done such as Xenoblade Chronicles, Kid Icarus Uprising, Super Smash Brothers, Golden Sun, etc.


Add to this limitations of what you can show with what the agreement means. If you sign your channel up for the full deal, you can ONLY have games from Nintendo that are approved. If you're someone like my Channel, where I'm working on a few PC games as ideas for Let's Plays, I can't do it because something like Dragon Quest IX because it's not approved Nothing else unless you want to make another channel. As well, if you choose individual videos, you effectively have to have Nintendo approve EVERY Video you do before you get any money from it. If they don't like something, congrats, you can't make that video.


It's also the fact that Nintendo is one of the few companies doing this. Several independent developers are perfectly fine with Let's Plays/Youtubers playing their games because they realize that Let's Plays are free advertising effectively. The Videos show the game and act as a way to reach an audience that traditional advertising can't. And guess what? It's been shown to actually WORK. Five Nights at Freddy's and Minecraft have growth that can be tied in part due to the Youtube promotion of their games. Xenoblade Chronicles has had several people become interested in it/picking up copies of the Wii Version due to a Let's Play done by one of the biggest Nintendo Focused Let's Players. For Nintendo to control what is effectively free marketing for the games they make(They put NOTHING into the Videos and they get all the profits from the games sold as a result of the videos) is baffling.

I think the issue is not about the ad revenue, but more so that Nintendo wants to protect it's IP and be able to control how it is delivered to the consumer. It could be argued that gaming media should be treated the same as the rest of the entertainment industry: tv, movies, music. Now I realize why Mystery Science Theater 3000 commentary was only ever done over movies whose copyrights expired or where licensing was obtained.


Think of Nintendo's YouTube Partnership as a licensing opportunity. It could also be argued Nintendo's IP's have much greater overall value then any other gaming company. They just want to be in control of their own content. It's pretty simple.


It's pretty easy to create unique content, Joe's rant video is a good example. Unique content isn't full screening a video game while talking over it. No matter how talented or entertaining the person is. Also, the issue with the MP10 video, if Joe would not have "monetized" the video, it would probably still be up.

They want to be in control of their content, yes, which I don't blame them at all for. However, what remains is that if you ask people what they like about Nintendo Games, it is almost always the gameplay. You can't get Gameplay from a video.


I feel like I'm the only one who is actually trying to understand where Joe/Youtube gamers are coming from.


#311302 Who are YOU voting for?

Posted by Xiombarg on 01 April 2015 - 03:18 PM

Always Goku



But yeah, I'm actually voting for Rayman, because why not?

#311687 No more pokemon for me

Posted by 3Dude on 07 April 2015 - 09:29 PM

That was me back in like, 98 99, when they released the next ones, and I realized it was basically the same exact game with different creature portraits.

#311724 AngryJoeShow Nintendo Rant

Posted by DexterousGecko on 08 April 2015 - 04:07 PM

Asian business practices are a joke. They have no concept of letting some of their rights go to make more profit. Nintendo videos on youtube are in no way losing them profits, infact their probably helping them. Didn't EA start making new copies of skate 3 solely due to pewdiepie playing the game on his channel? I've purchased numerous games based on let's plays and streams I've watched.


I live in korea and companies do the same thing. Me and a buddy used to go to this mom and pop dunkin donuts 3 times a week and my buddy would always ask for a little milk for his coffee. After a couple of months the owner thought she was being ripped off and started charging us $2.00 extra for a little milk. So they lost our business for the future over a quarter cup of milk 3 times a week. Nintendo is doing the same thing here. They're exercising their rights sure, but their alienating thousands of potential customers in the process.


Just because you have the right to do something, it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

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#310606 viva la revolution

Posted by DANT3 on 15 March 2015 - 08:38 PM


nice niceo ni :^)

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