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Member Since 25 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2021 01:44 AM

#310434 Titanfall 2 confirmed for PS4, Xbone and PC

Posted by Hank Hill on 12 March 2015 - 07:03 PM

Oh good more butthurt people who don't like seeing crappy games they like being called out for what they are.


I've never played, advocated, or sang the praises of Titanfall.


I just find it incredibly pathetic that every game that isn't something Nintendo-related or doesn't line up with your particular likes is suddenly AAAAAAAAAAAAA 'garbage' just because you dislike it.


Seriously, just lay off. We all know you hate anything by a major publisher, no need to regurgitate it on every news posting about their games.


Heck, that's why I barely post or talk here anymore. Anything that even minorly supports a franchise that you, 3Dude or a handful of other people around here is almost immediately met with vitriolic negative reactions to the point of not even wanting to bother with posting anymore.

#306110 I Traded Wii U, 2ds, and games for PS Vita and games

Posted by NintendoReport on 28 December 2014 - 08:09 PM

Something tells me you will have your third Wii u in 2015

#306018 Statler/Shadow of Mordor's Secret Santa Gift

Posted by KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 26 December 2014 - 02:16 AM

Sorry it's late. Also sorry it's not as good as Tom's :s

Hope you like it anyway, and of course, merry Christmas :)




Oh btw, since you probably can't tell it's supposed to be a Finn/Talion crossover. Or more accurately Finn cosplaying Talion i guess...

#305998 Secret Santa 2014 for Mitch

Posted by Tom on 25 December 2014 - 10:05 AM

I couldn't think of a floor color that would go well with a brown seat and red walls.


Happy Holidays, and whatnot!




"The generic tattoo-tier banner really brings the piece together." - No one ever.


Oh and as a bonus, here's the digital rough-draft, where you can witness me fumbling about with framing and perspective.


#305960 Secret Santa for Abcdude

Posted by Elric on 24 December 2014 - 01:45 PM

Yep, my santee was Abcdude. So I have two pictures for you. I decided to post today since I will be fairly busy tomorrow. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. 


First one is a Scraggy, of course. 




Second drawing is kind of random, but I hope you like it nonetheless. I was thinking this the entire time I was drawing it. 


"I'm not going to be there because i'm a square, deal with it!" 





Well, that's it. Hope you liked it! Merry Christmas, Abcdude. 

#305966 Sorceror12's Secret Santa Present!

Posted by Mitch on 24 December 2014 - 04:29 PM

I had every intention of making you a magic themed youtube video...then i got sick. And because I procrastinate I had to scramble to come u with a new idea, so here is your place holder gift of a collage of NPH's face with an IOU on the youtube video attached



Merry Christmas!!!



#304673 Zelda U Gameplay from Game Awards

Posted by Raiden on 06 December 2014 - 12:52 PM

How am I going to cut all that

#303802 Secret Santa 2014 Sign Up

Posted by Elric on 23 November 2014 - 09:25 PM

Oh, look at that. It's almost December. For those who have been here awhile, I bet you know what that means. It's that time of year again. 


Since people are interested in a secret santa event this year again, this is place where you should sign up. Sign up will end on December 1st. Santees will be assigned on December 2nd. So for those who aren't sure how secret santa works, each person who signs up will randomly be assigned a "secret santee" via private message in which you make something for them, it can be a wallpaper, sketch, writing, poem, lyrics, instrumental, video, drawing, ect. (basically anything that you make yourself.) You are not allowed to tell the person you are making the gift for them until gift distribution happens which is on December 25th. If you are unable to post the gift on December 25th, you can post it a day early. All gifts should be posted in the museum section of the forums and should be titled "Secret Santa 2014". I expect everyone who signs up to actually follow through with it. To sign up, please reply to this thread, so I can put you on the list. 

















Gruff The Villager



Posted by Big Boss on 28 August 2014 - 01:27 PM


funny comic

#294445 Xbox One Lunar White Controller (Review) | ZyroXZ2

Posted by NintendoReport on 29 July 2014 - 05:15 PM

I threw up a bit.


I am fine though.

#294679 Duck Draws Things OK I Guess

Posted by Hank Hill on 31 July 2014 - 07:14 PM

So, I got Art Academy 3DS. And I started drawing things. I did use reference pictures on the top screen while I drew on the bottom, but still had to draw them almost completely from scratch. Here's what I've got so far. :V




Sorta OK painting of a Cherry that looks more like an apple. :V




Don't think I linked this one before, but a friend showed me how to draw his version of a sableye. :b




Another thing I didn't link cause I wasn't happy with how it turned out. It's supposed to be a tulip, but it's all weird and brown in places it shouldn't be and not white in places that it should be. I HATE THIS ONE WITH THE PASSION OF A THOUSAND SUNS 




Drew a Chatot because they are totally adorable. :>




And more recently, I drew a Pichu. I like the shape/position of everything in and on the head, but something seems...off about the head's shape. Too slanted, almost. BUT HEY, it's done and finished and I don't feel like messing with it anymore. :v



#293834 Your top 3 games needing a Sequel

Posted by Big Boss on 20 July 2014 - 11:04 PM

pokemon x and y

assassin's creed 4

call of duty ghosts

#293117 Why can't you run from a trainer battle in Pokemon?

Posted by Hank Hill on 13 July 2014 - 04:04 PM




#292966 is it bad to not like your own country

Posted by Gruff on 11 July 2014 - 11:23 PM

You could live in North Korea where there is many people starving or Iraq where there is excessive violence. Or how about a country in Africa? Your expectations for a country are to high if you complain this country when really it's not all that bad. I live in the US and I appreciate that I can play whatever I want or say what I want. I like that we have a developed society with plenty of food and decent enough medical. I'm no patriot but I don't disrespect where I live. I look at what life I could have, and it makes me appreciate what I do have. And beside that, what experience do you have? According to your profile you're 14 years old. Why don't you become an adult before you decide where you're going to live and try experiencing being an adult first. And stop listening to what the internet and news say. People really shouldn't be complaining, because no matter what country you go to, there will always be a problem with it in some way, since no country can be perfect.

#292921 is it bad to not like your own country

Posted by 3Dude on 11 July 2014 - 07:10 PM

Then leave it.

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