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Member Since 13 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2014 06:30 AM

#272964 Ask Grandpa Sherm anything

Posted by NintendoReport on 16 February 2014 - 07:16 PM

Does gammy still give you gum jobs?

#267653 Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is 720p

Posted by Mitch on 20 January 2014 - 01:05 PM

YOU GIVE THIS GAME TO RETRO FOR 3+ YEARS AND ALL THEY GIVE ME IN RETURN IS 720p?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What the literal H have they been spending all that time and money on?? 


What is this 2008??  Nintendo.... More like Nindeado (get it because its Nintendo and theyre dead!)


Why take 720p when I can play Ryse at that next gen 900p 

#267838 Top 10 things to boost sales in 2014

Posted by Azure-Edge on 21 January 2014 - 08:42 AM

1. Release Bayoneta 2 and advertise the fk out of it



#267089 Nintendo slashes sales forecast by 70%

Posted by 3Dude on 17 January 2014 - 10:12 AM

*slowly raises hand*
I seriously hope this lights a fire under Nintendo's ass, but in the right way. They can't just ignore what the rest of the industry is doing and think everything is fine. They need to start either getting more GOOD third parties on their system or if they want to continue this idea of living solely off their exclusive offerings then those offerings are going to have to go way through the roof. 
They need to start spending some of that DS and Wii money on new devs teams as well as acquiring other studios to work for them.

Oh, its definately lit a fire under their ass, but not in the right way. Not in the right way at all.

"We cannot continue a business without winning," Iwata said on Friday during a press conference attended by Bloomberg. "We must take a skeptical approach whether we can still simply make game players, offer them in the same way as in the past for 20,000 yen or 30,000 yen, and sell titles for a couple of thousand yen each.

"We are thinking about a new business structure," Iwata added. "Given the expansion of smart devices, we are naturally studying how smart devices can be used to grow the game-player business.

Nintendo is basically my last refuge of non crap gaming, and what little they have to offer me in the way of the REASON I play videogames is LITERALLY maybe 4-5 games a generation, extremely anemic... With maybe, if Im lucky, a title or two a generation per platform on other systems. Indie devs seem to be heading in the right direction, but for the most part simply arent strong enough yet, and I dont see them growing with obstacles like activision and EA in the way.

If Nintendo concedes to this BS, I will probably simply be done gaming, and it has nothing to do with 'growing out of it' It just all turned to rainbowe underneath my very feet.

#267063 Nintendo slashes sales forecast by 70%

Posted by Zinix on 17 January 2014 - 08:27 AM

Fire Iwata

#267117 Satoru Iwata: "I'm not going resign"

Posted by alan123 on 17 January 2014 - 01:40 PM

Satoru Iwata: "I'm not going resign"  :laugh: 

Satoru Iwata: "I'm not going resign"  :laugh: 

#267096 Satoru Iwata: "I'm not going resign"

Posted by Zinix on 17 January 2014 - 10:44 AM


On Friday, the company slashed its Wii U sales forecast from 9 to 2.8 million units - a dramatic reduction that it expects will swing its full-year results from profit to loss.

Iwata apologised to shareholders in Kyoto for the extent of the under-performance, and insisted his intention was to rapidly reverse the company's fortunes. According to a report from Japan news groupNikkei, the Nintendo executive insisted he would not resign.

Sales of both Wii U and the 3DS handheld are significantly under expectations. However, throughout 2013 the 3DS was the best-selling console across the US, Japan and many parts of Europe. The system sold record numbers on certain occasions.

But the company's Wii U business is currently in gradual decline, with its first six months outperforming the most recent six. Globally, software for the original Wii still outsells the Wii U's. Meanwhile, the release of Super Mario 3D World - an acclaimed game that was expected to drive sales - has not stimulated the market, with the game failing to pick up meaningful sales in the west.





Don't worry Iwata, they'll just fire you soon. 

#261947 Nintendo Direct 12/18 for Spring 2014 Wii U , 3DS

Posted by Gruff on 17 December 2013 - 02:58 PM

They're gonna show off their secret fifth DKCTF character..."Not so Tiny Kong"

If they made her like this in the game I would buy it


#261876 Nintendo Direct 12/18 for Spring 2014 Wii U , 3DS

Posted by 3Dude on 17 December 2013 - 10:01 AM

Oh good. Now they can introduce spanky kong. The naked midget who lives in Cranky's beard.

#261940 [concept] Super Virtual Boy

Posted by Mitch on 17 December 2013 - 02:16 PM

So you wanna be in the game?

Also how much you think all this would cost.




Oculus Rift: $299


Virtuix Omni: $449


Razer Hydra: $80


Standard game: $60


Decent gaming PC: $1000


Being able to use your legs and turn your head in a video game..... Priceless

#261918 [concept] Super Virtual Boy

Posted by 3Dude on 17 December 2013 - 01:07 PM

What do mean thoughts? I want to sex it.

#259305 The Wii U's problem is the Wii's existance.

Posted by xile6 on 06 December 2013 - 11:27 AM

Yea Nintendo sucks at ads and selling stuff.


If I was in charge I would stress that this is a all new system with better grapichs, better games. That it's not just a $300 wii controller.


Then after all that stressing of that. Point out that it does play wii game. Then I'd stop making the Nintendo wii.



And finally. I'd push that this is a real system and not just a family system. I hate all the ads for maro and family games.

How come I never saw a wii u cod ads?it could show off the gamepad of tv play abd better controls. Never sawca zombiu ad in the USA.

And this is what Nintendo needs. It needs the older gamers that buy the games. Not the little kids that only buy the Nintendo games there mom and dad buys for them.


But it's nintendos own fault they need to ad better.

The system is good and it has good games.

Yea Nintendo sucks at ads and selling stuff.


If I was in charge I would stress that this is a all new system with better grapichs, better games. That it's not just a $300 wii controller.


Then after all that stressing of that. Point out that it does play wii game. Then I'd stop making the Nintendo wii.



And finally. I'd push that this is a real system and not just a family system. I hate all the ads for maro and family games.

How come I never saw a wii u cod ads?it could show off the gamepad of tv play abd better controls. Never sawca zombiu ad in the USA.

And this is what Nintendo needs. It needs the older gamers that buy the games. Not the little kids that only buy the Nintendo games there mom and dad buys for them.


But it's nintendos own fault they need to ad better.

The system is good and it has good games.

#259196 Some random Tech Questions

Posted by 3Dude on 05 December 2013 - 05:53 PM

Both memory size and bandwidth are important. Both xbone and ps4 have 8x the ram capacity (though probably only 5-6 of that will be available for games) with much higher bandwidth.

Gddr is based off of ddr Its pretty much just a version of the ram that can attain higher clock speeds.. But its not the same thing as its corresponding number. For example gddr3 is NOT based off of ddr3, but rather ddr2. gddr4 and gddr5, are based off of ddr3. (gddr4 was so poopy, it was replaced almost as soon as it came out, i dont think it even lasted a year). These are more simple changes to boost performance particularly raising bandwidth, with things like higher clock speeds, compared to the more substantial differences you see between ddr generations.

The major 'next gen' changes occur between number changes of ddr, while simple performance boosters are done via 'g'ddr to get that desired bandwidth for graphics.

Without getting into obnoxiously boring stuff like DIMMS and p2p... ddr4 can be clocked higher than ddr3, has improved data transfer rates (Wwwwwwwway faster) which means it can move more data at lower clock speeds than ddr3 based ram like gddr5.... which also means it uses less power to do it.

Cache's are pools of ram that are actually IN the processors themselves, and heavily bussed for very high bandwidth. Ideally, the cache is what you want to always be used, as its right there, super fast to access (very very low latency) thats unfortunately just not possible, so if your cache is full, you are going to have a 'miss' as you try to access memory thats not available. Depending on your architecture cache misses have differing penalties. On nintendo's 750's for cube, wii, and espresso, you are looking at a 3-5 cycle penalty. On xenon and cell, you are looking at 500+ cycle penalties.

Anyways when you miss your cache you have to take a trip to the supermarket 5 miles away. ie main ram. And all instructions that are reliant on that data from memory have to sit there and wait on it. Devastating on an in order execution unit like xenon or cell, bht not too bad on an out of order processor like nintendo uses, where it can just be put off to the side and other instructions completed while it waits for the data to come in from main.

But as for the cross gen ps4/xbone games textures?

There was absolutely no reason the wii u didnt have those besides 'lol its nintendo who cares?'.

#257016 Nintendo's biggest mistake with reviving Wii U

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 19 November 2013 - 02:26 PM

So their biggest marketing mistake is marketing it to the most profitable audience they had last generation?


He's more or less saying that Nintendo's advertising approach doesn't coincide with the initial declarations they made around E3 2011 time. Nintendo did say they wanted to create a console that catered to both their Wii audience, and extend that to the audiences that are on the PS3 and Xbox 360, iPhone and tablets, and PC.


Of which, I don't think they've done remarkably well. They haven't tried their hardest to appeal to the 3rd Party consumer. Nintendo's first party offerings aren't the kind of offerings that completely sate those gaming pleasures that gamers get from those competitor models. Nintendo's clamp down on a complete gaming console simply hasn't been fierce enough for that objective.

#257012 Nintendo's biggest mistake with reviving Wii U

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 19 November 2013 - 02:10 PM

I'm sure they will advertise bayonetta 2 and X properly when they arrive.


I'm gonna be honest, I don't think this is going to be the case.

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