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Member Since 22 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 09 2013 10:31 AM

#174501 killzone ps4 trailer

Posted by Tricky Sonic on 22 February 2013 - 09:07 AM

I'm sorry but streaming is not much of a strain at all, from what I can tell we also don't know if it is an optional features that devs can choose to use, or not to use.
The WiiU has been out for months and shown nothing beyond what is now last gen capabilities. It is likely similar powerwise to the wii last gen. We shall see, but given Nintendo's recent track record and so on, I would expect the wiiU to be limited in comparison.

All the released Wii U games were developed on last gen tech which is why none of the games look mind blowing yet. FYI. Wait until we see new games with the new engines before you say its last Gen.

#173739 killzone ps4 trailer

Posted by Socalmuscle on 20 February 2013 - 05:34 PM

Sony showed some great graphics at this event.

In some cases.

but we haven't seen publicly what the Wii U is capable of yet.  

we always knew the PS4/720 would be more powerful.

But that may not truly translate into an extreme gulf in graphical capability.

Nintendo had put together an intelligent system that can pump out some serious graphics.  but you have to do it right.

sony shot their load here.  And it was cool, but it wasn't overly impressive.

But it was far better than the junk Nintendo shoved out the last two E3s.  But that may be by design.

I would say this:

Just wait for E3.  Make your call then.

#165089 cute pics.

Posted by Lord Pickleton on 30 January 2013 - 10:03 PM

Concept Art for Kirby HD!

Posted Image

#165781 There will not be a price cut for the Wii U

Posted by Wii U News on 01 February 2013 - 11:19 PM

Satoru Iwata has made himself clear: there will not be a price cut for the Wii U. Here’s the full quote from a recent investor briefing:

…we have taken a rather resolute stance in pricing it below its manufacturing cost, so we are not planning to perform a markdown. I would like to make this point absolutely clear. We are putting our lessons from Nintendo 3DS to good use, as I have already publicly stated.

Of course, Nintendo has said one thing and done another in the past, but a lot of consumer confidence was lost when the 3DS had a price drop, so it’d be a huge failing to have to do it again.


View and comment on the full article at Wii U Blog

#151735 Porn coming to Wii U.

Posted by Tricky Sonic on 25 December 2012 - 07:00 AM

This really surprises me, I understand Nintendo is trying to win the core audience back, but the core audience was never this type of audience. Wasn't expecting Nintendo to completely disregard their morals.

#151730 Porn coming to Wii U.

Posted by Structures on 25 December 2012 - 05:54 AM

lol paying for porn

#142646 Playsation Omni and Xbox 720 news.

Posted by xile6 on 03 December 2012 - 11:52 AM


Seriously though...what? They can't possibly think that $400-500 base systems is the way to go. This all just seems...unrealistic. In Sony's case, possibly business-ending.

It all just seems very strange and unrealistic to me.

Ps3 launch day?
Thats why people will pick up more wii u then the ps4 launchs.
I see it now.
Kids. Mom dad can i get a ps4 look look.
Dad. Yea how much is the thing $200. We can get one.
Kid. no dad its $500.
Mom. Hell no, what about this wii u you dont have one of those.
Dad. Yes,yes that seems much better we will get you a wii u.
Kid. mahahaha that was my plan all along.

lol.. idk but i have seen that happen in store before. These kids today want high dollar stuff.

#138918 Request: Chatbox Rules Specifics

Posted by Noonabites on 27 November 2012 - 04:13 AM

A few weeks ago, a couple of members were banned from the chatbox for abusing the filter (I'm assuming by repeating a word that isn't filtered due to multiple meanings in various countries, or bypassing it, I forget which it is). This is an offense, and that much I'll agree too. It's the ensuing punishment that left me questioning the rules.

I searched for an exact code of conduct, and the only one we have is pretty vague.


The punishment for these first time offenders was a ban that lasted couple of weeks in which afterward they would remind the appropriate staff to unban them.

My complaint is this: This seems to harsh for first time offenders and also seems a little lazy on the staff persons fault (due to the offender having to remind them after a certain amount of time).

Regardless of whether or not staff intends on keeping this, rules that are less vague would still be a reasonable request. Less vague meaning, for example, an exact definition of what is allowed for cursing or swearing (some not so international profane words are not filtered)... or if bypassing the filter is even a punishable offense. Or ban times for chatbox offenses (offenses which aren't even mentioned).

I just want a general idea so I know personally what to be careful, being a pretty hefty chatbox user.

Thanks in advance ^^

#139075 Not exactly new

Posted by Goom on 27 November 2012 - 10:43 AM


You can tell by the way I use my walk
I'm a woman's man no time to talk
Music loud woman warm
Iv'e been kicked around since i was born
But thats alright, im ok
You may look the other way
We can try to understand
The New York Times effect a man
Whether your a brother or whether your a mother
you're staying alive staying alive
Feel the city breaking,
And everybody shaking
Ah AH Ah ah staying alive staying alive

#138467 Why was my drawing deleted by an admin?

Posted by Mignaga on 26 November 2012 - 12:04 PM

The ONLY reason I can think of is the fact that his nipples are apparent. They might find this inappropriate for younger users?

Little kids need to be exposed to nipples as soon as possible. True fact of the universe.

#137175 Developers Have It Wrong, The Wii U Is Powerful, It’s Next Generation Powerful

Posted by SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 23 November 2012 - 09:52 PM

"So, let me preface this by explaining that I feel the developers are completely misunderstanding the Wii U. As with any new generation of consoles, there are bound to be some kinks the developers don’t yet understand with the new hardware. Out the gate, lets tackle the main complaint. The “slow” CPU. You see, the clock speed of the CPU is slow. In fact, it’s intentionally slow. It’s true that the CPU of the Wii U is a Power-Based custom IBM processor. For those wondering, it’s not a Power 7 based. Essentially, it means it’s built upon the same technology as the Wii. That’s on purpose mind you.
The the CPU is more than just the Wii’s version times three. For starters, it uses a newer technology from IBM called 45nm SOI process. This is a massive improvement over the 90nm SOI process the Wii version had. Essentially, this makes the processor “overclock” at higher end speeds while reducing power consumption. Essentially, it makes the Wii U’s processor run even faster than it’s clock speeds with higher efficiency and lower power output. Of course, that’s only going to make the processor run just a bit better, so it still is fundamentally slow. However, the CPU uses a significant amount of eDRAM. What this allows the Wii U to do, essentially, is move more data at once compared to the Wii processor times three. You can store more data in the eDRAM and as such, move more at once as well. So, the processor is slower, but similar to the Power 7 tech, it moves more data at once at that slower rate than the standard processor at such rates.
Again though, the CPU is not Power 7 based, so it only increases the performance level by a certain amount. Certainly though, the performance increase does fundamentally make it have a higher efficiency than whats in the current gaming consoles. It just wont win any awards in the next generation. However, thanks in large part to the super beefy GPU (by console standards), the Wii U doesn’t need a beefy processor. The GPU is based on a Radeon HD 5670. As the console break down shows, thanks to even more eDRAM, the Wii U version of the Radeon HD 5670 that has been custom built is actually more powerful than the original PC version of the card. This is extremely vital, because the HD 5670 is in fact a GPGPU.
A GPGPU are quickly become standard in gaming rig PCs for a few reasons, but chief among them is the fact that GPGPU’s actually handle several functions that the CPU traditionally does, except it does them better. In layman’s terms, some of the most CPU (processor) heavy applications like Physics are actually handled by the Graphics Card (GPU). This means, in a Wii U, while the CPU can handle these tasks, the console is actually built around the notion that the GPU will tackle said tasks.
The downfall of the GPGPU is that if it’s not being used in the fashion it’s intended to, which means taking on heavy graphical processing and extreme mathematical equations to perform in the game (aka, if you’re not heavily using the GPU and it’s processing), it actually performs slower. So if you run the bare bones through it, throw everything else at the processor, it not only over strains a processor not meant to handle such functions, it actually causes the GPU to under-perform, and as such… create problems. This is chiefly why games like Mass Effect 3 are having issues, and why Batman Arkahm City Armored Edition are having massive frame rate issues.
In essence, it’s not that the Wii U is underpowered. Rather, it’s the the Wii U uses more advanced technology that actually takes away the stress normally associated with a CPU, and in turn lowers power consumption, heat level, and ultimately leads to producing some of the best graphical capabilities on the market. Essentially, with everything customly aimed towards gaming, the Wii U is like a middle of the road gaming PC. A middle of the row gaming rig absolutely destroys the PS3 and Xbox 360.
Now, this doesn’t mean everything is peachy. Unless the PS4 and the 720 are being silly, both should also feature GPGPU’s like the Wii U, and will both likely have better processors than the Wii U. So, the Wii U will be behind, but it’s unlikely the PS4 and 720 will feature GPU’s that are any beefier than the Wii U. In fact, since they may have better processors (or, should based on normal conventions), it’s conceivable the other consoles in turn have less powerful GPGPU’s since the processor can help maintain some of what is lost.
I know, it’s a lot of technical jargin, but armed with this information you can see that the Wii U is actually going to hold it’s own quite nicely. It just requires people, like the DICE dev, to fundamentally change the way in which they make games take advantage of the hardware. Similar issues arose with the PS3 and it’s CPU back in the day, and now the issue rises up with the Wii U and it’s GPU.
In the future, developers would be wise to truly take hold of the beefy GPGPU in the Wii U and push it as hard as they can. With all the extra eDRAM running around, and all the processing power the GPU has to handle such aspects like Physics, it’s no wonder current generation games are struggling. Current generation (or last generation for us Wii U owners) are extremely CPU based games. Heavily reliant on the CPU pushing through. In the next generation, this is going to change significantly. The Wii U is already there. It’s just going to take time for console developers to get into the mindset to take advantage of the GPGPU featured in the Wii U, just like what will happen in the other next generation consoles.
In layman’s terms: The Wii U is a sexy, misunderstood, true next generation gaming system that requires developers to change the way in which they program their games in order to get significantly better looking, and better performing, games than what are currently out there. Any concerns over a slow processor are completely negated by the fact the Graphics Card on the Wii U can actually handle some of the larger processes, like physics, usually reserved for the processor.
The Wii U is going to be just fine folks. While it wont be as powerful as the PS4 or 720, that beefy GPGPU is going to ensure the Wii U can stay up with the new systems that are coming. Naturally, the biggest reason to go against console convention and use a GPGPU like the Wii U does is costs. GPU’s are just a lot cheaper, and when you start to be able to toss the larger processes at them like Physics, it pretty much increases the efficiency of the entire console 10 fold. The Wii U is doing something that the PS3 and 360 can only dream of doing presently. Truly, they have to catch up, as do the developers, because the way the hardware processes games is changing, and the Wii U is perfectly set up for that shift."

Source: http://www.zeldainfo...-generation-pow

I'm starting to like these articles, haters are gonna hate but this just might shut a few up, hopefully! Thoughts?

#122660 Post what you last ate..

Posted by CUD on 30 October 2012 - 04:53 AM

Posted Image

I thought this thread was to post what we last ate, not to post what we last ate after it had been digested.

#137836 What Nintendo has to say about Wii U specs.....

Posted by 3Dude on 25 November 2012 - 05:31 AM

I don't know, I thing Nintendo will soon become in denial about their specs. If Devs are saying they're bad, then it's not going to end up good for them (the 4A CPu comment, the Harada comment about it being a little slow, etc.). Nintendo should realize that gameplay is a strong factor, however 7th gen corrupted gamers minds, which is why so many people are just specs trolls. If its not as powerful as they say, we'll third parties will most likely not support it, or utilize a lot of resources to port it over (which necessarily isn't a bad thing).

None of them has said its bad. Only the gaming media has changed thdir words to say that (and they have all called them out on it, including thq and 4a) Theyve all said the same thing. Its clocked slower than ps360.

This is a non issue UNLESS you are trying to port ps360 games that rely EXCLUSIVELY on the high clock and flop count because the cpu sucks giant donkey balls at everything else.

How us the mhz myth still be this strong? Clock speed can only be used as a measure of performance between the same architectures.

A computer that can perform instructions in less clock cycles can EASILY beat one with 4-5x the clock speed.

An architecture with short pipelines can outperform a deep pipelined architecture by 2x or more at half the speed. (a
nd the ps360 were piped DEEEEEEP, its why they had such an awful missed prediction penalty).

#137725 The effects of cancer are horrible

Posted by BrosBeforeGardenTools on 24 November 2012 - 10:57 PM

I recently made a rude comment regarding cancer and would like to make amends for it. Cancer is a serious thing and it is nothing to take lightly. 4 of my grandparents have died and at least 3 from cancer and 3 I got to experience firsthand. This has shut me up so bad emotionally, that I could hardly even feel for others in this situation. Rather than crying, I chose to be tough, and I built a wall of toughness and machoness around myself to hide a lot of hurt feelings.

Approximately every two years, I have had to go to a funeral for one of my grandparents. When the latest died, I couldn't even sit straight in the car. My family had to wait until I could sit straight up and put my seatbelt on before they could drive. And that took 45 minutes. Normally I would not tell this story to anyone, but my insincereness has brought up that, I actually do feel. Just not well.

#137403 Wii Mini

Posted by Blake on 24 November 2012 - 09:50 AM

It shall be called the Wee Wii.

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